There are beautiful swimming pools all over the world. Then there are those who take the meaning of the word pool to new heights. They're visually stunning and ...
In Los Angeles, there are several swimming pools, including free public pools and exclusive clubs. Where can you go that is so awesome that kids want to spend ...
A nice waterproof headset blasts rock and pop music to your ears while you are enjoying yourself under the sun, in the cool waves of the sea. Just the thought ...
Basketball is a fun and exciting sport. It will be even more fun to play it in the water! Let Toplist introduce to you the best basketball hoops for swimming ...
When you think of expensive swimming pools, you may picture your favorite hotel pool, or the wave pool at the local water park. While pools like these can be ...
Albania is a small country on the Balkan Peninsula in Southeastern Europe, featuring Adriatic and Ionian coastlines and an interior dominated by the Albanian ...
Despite its small size, Slovenia is home to numerous breathtaking natural wonders. You shouldn't skip Slovenia's picturesque lakes if you visit for a vacation. ...
Bulgarian diving can be significantly less expensive than diving in the Mediterranean or other parts of Europe. The prices shown below are for obtaining ...
Norway is the land of the Vikings and a country of incredible beauty, culture, and most importantly top dive sites. If you haven’t already been to Norway, this ...
Snow-white sandy beaches, Amazonian jungle, and the breathtaking Andes – all in a small package. Ecuador found a way to keep a variety of natural wonders ...
Italy is known for many things, from ancient culture to modern fashion. Everyone loves pasta and Sicilian pizza. Scuba diving, however, is seldom mentioned. ...
Gibraltar situated at the Gateway to the Mediterranean, boasts a spectacular marine biodiversity, with easy access from shore or boat to natural reefs and over ...
The delights of scuba diving, oh, the thrills of scuba diving! Nothing compares to the rush of diving headfirst into a world of vibrant aquatic animals. ...
Utila, Roatan, and Guanaja are the three primary diving areas in Honduras. While they are very similar in diving, they are worlds apart as a holiday ...
Scuba divers will find Oman appealing because it has the most extensive assortment of marine animals in the Arabian Sea. Off the coast of Oman, there are ...
For Canadian visitors and divers, Cuba is one of the most popular holiday destinations. There were commercial limitations between Cuba and the United States ...
Portugal is at the westernmost point of Europe, others claim it's the world's edge, or at least Europe's. Portugal, which is located on the Iberian Peninsula ...
Netherlands is one of the top scuba diving locations in the world, with a diverse range of big and small marine life, wrecks, and dive sites for divers of all ...