Top 11 Best Boarding Schools in North America

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Boarding Schools in North America offer a diverse range of educational experiences. These institutions are renowned for their academic excellence and holistic ... read more...

  1. Top 1

    Phillips Exeter Academy

    Phillips Exeter Academy, located in the southern town of Exeter, New Hampshire, is an embodiment of academic excellence. Founded in 1781, it stands among the oldest secondary institutions in the United States. The academy offers university preparatory education to students in grades 9 through 12, alongside a postgraduate program.

    With an enrollment of around 1,000 students, Exeter is a vibrant community of learners from across the globe. The students, known as Exonians, wear maroon and gray with pride. It symbolizes a tradition of excellence and unity. The academy's rigorous academic environment is reflected in its 10% acceptance rate. This rate indicates its status as one of the most sought-after secondary schools in the nation.

    At the heart of Phillips Exeter's educational philosophy is the Harkness teaching method. It is a revolutionary approach introduced by philanthropist Edward Harkness in 1930. This method fosters a seminar-style, interactive learning environment where students and teachers engage in discussions around an oval table. This method is akin to the Socratic approach.

    In 1970, Phillips Exeter embraced coeducation, welcoming girls. This move was further solidified with a gender-inclusive Latin inscription over the main entrance. It symbolizes the school's commitment to providing equal opportunities for all.

    At Phillips Exeter, education is about breadth and depth. Students have the opportunity to explore more than 450 courses across 18 academic areas. It is a well-rounded and comprehensive educational experience. Moreover, it extends globally through various programs, including the Washington Intern Program and numerous foreign studies opportunities.

    The financial commitment to attend Exeter is significant but reflects the quality of the education provided. For the 2022-23 academic year, tuition is $61,121 for boarding students and $47,739 for day students. This investment goes towards academic learning and the holistic development of students. It prepares them for future success in various fields.

    Phillips Exeter's reputation as a feeder school for Harvard University and the Ivy League underscores its status as one of the most elite boarding schools in the US. The academy is consistently recognized at the top of national and international private school rankings. It reflects its unwavering commitment to educational excellence.

    In conclusion, Phillips Exeter Academy is a nurturing ground for future leaders and innovators. Its commitment to excellence, diversity, and comprehensive education makes it a beacon of learning that stands out among the top boarding schools in North America.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Official Website:
    • Founded: 1781
    • Address: 20 Main Street, Exeter, New Hampshire, 03833
    • Phone: +1 603-772-4311
    • Email:
    • Tuition Fees: $61,121 (Residential), $47,739 (Day Students)
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    Video by Phillips Exeter Academy

  2. Top 2

    Choate Rosemary Hall

    Another boarding school, Choate Rosemary Hall in Wallingford, Connecticut, is a community where education and personal growth intertwine. With a foundation laid in 1890, Choate has evolved into a beacon of academic and personal development for students worldwide.

    Choate Rosemary Hall offers a rigorous academic program. Students have access to a wide range of courses, including advanced STEM programs, arts, humanities, and social sciences. The school boasts a 100% college placement rate. This rate reflects its rigorous academic standards. With over 240 courses, including 24 Advanced Placement (AP) offerings, students have ample opportunity to explore and excel.

    The community is a blend of over 40 nationalities. The diversity creates an environment where every conversation is a chance to learn about the world. This diversity enriches the student experience, fostering global understanding and respect. Moreover, boarding is about building a second family. Choate's 12 residence halls are homes where students form lifelong friendships.

    Beyond academics, Choate is about character. The school's leadership programs, community service opportunities, and a strong ethical code encourage students to develop integrity, empathy, and a sense of service. Students leave Choate not just with academic knowledge but with the character and skills necessary to contribute positively to society.

    In addition, technology and innovation are at the heart of Choate's approach. Classrooms are equipped with modern tools, and programs like the i.d.Lab encourage students to think creatively and solve real-world problems.

    Choate's commitment to a well-rounded education is evident in its arts and athletic programs. Students participate in a wide range of sports and artistic endeavors, fostering a balance between physical health and creative expression. The school extends beyond its campus. Through study abroad programs, students experience new cultures, languages, and ideas, becoming true global citizens.

    Choate boasts an impressive record of preparing students for success in college and beyond. Alumni have gone on to attend top universities like Harvard, Yale, and Stanford, among others. They showcase the school's commitment to preparing students for the future.

    Understanding the financial commitment, Choate provides over $10 million annually in financial aid. For the 2023-2024 academic year, boarding students pay around $65,620, and day students pay about $46,710. This investment goes into not just education but a future of opportunities.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Official Website:
    • Founded: 1890
    • Address: 333 Christian Street, Wallingford, CT 06492, USA
    • Phone: +1 203-697-2000
    • Tuition Fees: Boarding - Approximately $65,620, Day - Approximately $46,710
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    Video by Choate Rosemary Hall
  3. Top 3

    Phillips Academy Andover

    Phillips Academy Andover is considered a landmark in educational excellence. The school is located in Andover, Massachusetts. Established in 1778, it's one of the oldest and most prestigious boarding schools in the United States.

    Phillips Academy, also known as Andover, is renowned for its academic rigor. With a student-teacher ratio of 5:1 and an average class size of 13, the school ensures personalized attention and a tailored learning experience. The curriculum is vast. It offers over 300 courses with a unique non-graded approach in the early years to encourage learning rather than competition.

    The school is a melting pot, with students from over 50 countries and 30 states. The diversity fosters a truly global perspective. Andover's commitment to diversity goes beyond numbers; it's about building an inclusive community where every voice is valued.

    At Andover, education extends beyond the classroom. The Empathy, Balance & Inclusion (EBI) program focuses on students' well-being and personal growth, ensuring a supportive and nurturing environment. Moreover, students at Andover have access to unparalleled resources. The Oliver Wendell Holmes Library, recently renovated, offers a wealth of knowledge and state-of-the-art facilities. Similarly, the Gelb Science Center provides innovative labs and equipment for budding scientists.

    In particular, leadership at Andover is about leading rightly. The school's Institute for Ethics and Leadership instills a sense of moral responsibility and critical thinking. It prepares students to make ethical decisions in their future endeavors.

    Creativity and physical wellness are pillars at Andover. The Addison Gallery of American Art and the Robert S. Peabody Institute of Archaeology offer unique opportunities for artistic and cultural exploration. In addition, the athletic program, with over 30 sports, ensures students develop teamwork and resilience.

    Andover's alumni network is a testament to its impact. Graduates include heads of state, Nobel laureates, and leaders in every field. All of them reflect the school's commitment to creating a better and more informed world.

    Understanding the investment in education, Andover is committed to making its world-class education accessible. The school has a need-blind admission policy and meets 100% of demonstrated financial need. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the tuition for boarding students is approximately $59,850.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Official Website:
    • Founded: 1778
    • Address: 180 Main Street, Andover, MA 01810, USA
    • Phone: +1 978-749-4000
    • Email:
    • Tuition Fees: Approximately $59,850 for Boarding Students
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    Video by PhillipsAndover
  4. Top 4

    Groton School

    Groton School, nestled in Groton, Massachusetts, is another one on our list. The school is more than just a boarding school; it's a nurturing ground for future leaders. Since its inception in 1884, Groton has been dedicated to providing a comprehensive education that develops the mind, body, and spirit.

    At Groton, the academic experience is personalized and profound. With a student-teacher ratio of 4:1 and an average class size of 11, students receive individual attention. It fosters a deep understanding of the subject matter. Besides, the school offers a broad curriculum. It includes unique courses and advanced offerings, ensuring students are well-prepared for college and beyond.

    Community life at Groton is vibrant and inclusive. Representing over 38 states and 21 countries, students at Groton form a diverse and dynamic community. This diversity is not just in numbers but in shared experiences and mutual respect. All of them shape life at the school.

    A unique aspect of Groton is the cherished tradition of Chapel Talks. Seniors deliver a personal speech to the entire school. It is a rite of passage that allows students to reflect on their experiences and share insights with their peers.

    Furthermore, the Circle, Groton's distinctive campus layout, symbolizes the school's commitment to a close-knit community. The design ensures that students and faculty live and learn in a tightly integrated setting. It also encourages constant interaction and growth

    Groton's commitment to holistic development is evident in its wide range of extracurricular activities. From athletics to arts, from community service to clubs, students are encouraged to explore their interests and develop new skills. Moreover, spirituality and ethics are integral to the Groton experience. The school's non-denominational chapel services and ethical discussions foster a sense of spiritual growth.

    Groton is committed to making its exceptional education accessible. The school offers a robust financial aid program, ensuring that talented students from all economic backgrounds can attend. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the tuition for boarding students is approximately $62,700.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Official Website:
    • Founded: 1884
    • Address: 282 Farmers Row, Groton, MA 01450, USA
    • Phone: +1 978-448-3363
    • Email:
    • Tuition Fees: Approximately $62,700 for Boarding Students
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    Video by GrotonSchool
  5. Top 5

    The Hotchkiss School

    The Hotchkiss School is situated in the picturesque town of Lakeville, Connecticut. It is an institution where tradition and innovation converge to provide a transformative educational experience. Established in 1891, Hotchkiss has been a bastion of academic excellence and holistic development for over a century.

    Hotchkiss is celebrated for its rigorous academic environment. With a student-teacher ratio of 4:1 and an average class size of 12, the school ensures that each student receives a personalized and immersive learning experience. The curriculum is expansive, offering more than 200 courses. It includes 7 foreign languages and 24 Advanced Placement (AP) options. The program provides students with a vast array of subjects to explore and master.

    The school also prides itself on its diverse community, with students hailing from over 30 states and 40 countries. This diversity fosters a rich cultural exchange and prepares students to thrive in a globalized world. Student life at Hotchkiss is enriched by a wide range of extracurricular activities. From arts to athletics, from debate to robotics, students are encouraged to develop leadership skills outside the classroom.

    Unique to Hotchkiss is its commitment to environmental stewardship. The school's Fairfield Farm serves as a living laboratory. It is where students engage in sustainable farming practices and learn about environmental science firsthand. This hands-on approach cultivates a deep understanding and respect for the natural world.

    Especially, Hotchkiss is home to exceptional facilities that enhance the educational experience. The Elaine Langone Center for the Arts provides a creative hub for students. While the Forrest E. Mars Jr. Athletic Center offers top-tier athletic amenities. These facilities reflect the school's commitment to nurturing both the intellectual and physical potential of its students.

    Hotchkiss is dedicated to making its exceptional educational experience accessible to all. With a robust financial aid program, the school ensures that talented students from various economic backgrounds can benefit from a Hotchkiss education. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the tuition for boarding students is approximately $64,200.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Official Website:
    • Founded: 1891
    • Address: 11 Interlaken Road, Lakeville, CT 06039, USA
    • Phone: +1 860-435-2591
    • Email:
    • Tuition Fees: Approximately $64,200 for Boarding Students
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    Video by HotchkissSchool
  6. Top 6

    The Loomis Chaffee School

    The Loomis Chaffee School stands as a beacon of innovative education and global citizenship. The school was founded in 1914 by five siblings whose vision was to create a school that promotes service and leadership. Loomis Chaffee continues to uphold these values through a dynamic and forward-thinking approach.

    Loomis Chaffee excels in delivering a comprehensive curriculum with an international perspective. With a student-teacher ratio of 5:1 and an average class size of 12, the school offers an environment conducive to in-depth learning and personal attention. The school provides over 250 courses. They include extensive AP offerings and unique global studies programs, reflecting its commitment to preparing students for the interconnected world.

    Embracing a broad spectrum of backgrounds, Loomis Chaffee is home to students from over 39 countries and various states. All of them create a richly diverse community. This diversity is about cultivating an inclusive environment where every individual is valued.

    The school is known for its state-of-the-art facilities, including the Bachmann Collaboration Space. This area is designed to foster collaborative learning and innovative thinking. It is equipped with modern technology and flexible learning areas. Moreover, Loomis Chaffee takes pride in its commitment to sustainability. The school's environmental initiatives and Katharine Brush Library, with its green design, underscore its commitment to ecological stewardship and education for sustainability.

    Life at Loomis Chaffee is about developing character and leadership. Through various community service programs and leadership opportunities, students learn the value of service and develop the skills necessary to lead with integrity and compassion.

    Understanding the importance of access to quality education, Loomis Chaffee offers a robust financial aid program. It ensures that talented students from all walks of life can benefit from its offerings. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the tuition for boarding students is approximately $65,000.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Official Website:
    • Founded: 1914
    • Address: 4 Batchelder Road, Windsor, CT 06095, USA
    • Phone: +1 860-687-6000
    • Email:
    • Tuition Fees: Approximately $65,000 for Boarding Students
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    Video by Loomis Chaffee
  7. Top 7

    The Lawrenceville School

    Ranked seventh on our list, the Lawrenceville School, is situated in the heart of New Jersey. It is not just a premier boarding school; it's a nurturing ground for future leaders, thinkers, and innovators. Founded in 1810, Lawrenceville stands out for its rich history, commitment to excellence, and distinctive educational approach. That has been shaping young minds for centuries.

    Lawrenceville is renowned for its Harkness learning method. This approach centers around an oval table. It encourages students to engage in discussion-based, collaborative learning. This unique educational style not only enhances academic understanding but also develops critical thinking and communication skills. With a student-teacher ratio of 8:1, every classroom is an interactive, intellectual journey.

    The school offers a rigorous academic program with over 200 courses to choose from. They include an extensive range of AP classes and unique electives. Students are encouraged to explore their interests, challenge their perspectives, and excel in various disciplines.

    Diversity is not just acknowledged at Lawrenceville; it's celebrated. The community includes students from over 30 countries and a multitude of states. That provides a rich tapestry of cultural perspectives. Lawrenceville is dedicated to creating an inclusive environment where every student feels valued and empowered.

    The campus is a blend of historic architecture and modern facilities. It reflects the school's respect for tradition and its forward-looking vision. The Bunn Library, with its vast collection and state-of-the-art resources, stands as a hub of learning and exploration. The Kirby Math and Science Center provides cutting-edge laboratories and equipment. It fosters a love for discovery and innovation.

    Lawrenceville believes in the development of the whole person. The school offers a wide range of athletic programs and extracurricular activities. Therefore, students have the opportunity to pursue their passions, develop teamwork skills, and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. In addition, sustainability is a core value at Lawrenceville. The school's sustainability initiatives and commitment to reducing its carbon footprint reflect its responsibility towards the environment and future generations.

    Understanding the importance of educational accessibility, Lawrenceville provides significant financial aid to ensure that talented students from various economic backgrounds can benefit from its offerings. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the tuition for boarding students is approximately $71,500.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Official Website:
    • Founded: 1810
    • Address: 2500 Main Street, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648, USA
    • Phone: +1 609-896-0400
    • Email:
    • Tuition Fees: Approximately $71,500 for Boarding Students
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    Video by The Lawrenceville School
  8. Top 8

    St. Paul's School

    St. Paul's School is located in Concord, New Hampshire. The school is a community dedicated to nurturing intellectual curiosity, moral integrity, and a sense of responsibility among its students. Founded in 1856, St. Paul's has a long-standing tradition of providing an exceptional education. That prepares students to lead lives of significance.

    St. Paul's is known for its rigorous and dynamic curriculum. With a student-teacher ratio of 5:1 and an average class size of 12, the school promotes an intimate and engaging learning environment. It offers a broad range of courses. They include innovative interdisciplinary programs that encourage students to think critically and creatively.

    The school is rooted in the Episcopal tradition, which informs its commitment to spiritual growth and ethical awareness. While it honors its Christian heritage, St. Paul's welcomes students of all faiths and beliefs. It fosters a diverse and inclusive spiritual community. Besides, St. Paul's prides itself on its culturally diverse community, with students representing various states and countries. This diversity enriches campus life and ensures that students gain a broad understanding of different cultures and perspectives.

    The school boasts robust arts and athletics programs. With state-of-the-art facilities for visual and performing arts, students are encouraged to explore their creativity. The athletics program, offering a wide range of sports, emphasizes physical well-being, teamwork, and sportsmanship.

    St. Paul's commitment to environmental sustainability is evident in its curriculum and campus initiatives. The school's sustainability efforts aim to educate students about their environmental responsibilities and encourage them to live more sustainably.

    St. Paul's believes in making its transformative education accessible to all. A significant portion of the student body receives financial aid. It reflects the school's commitment to building a talented and diverse community. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the tuition for boarding students is approximately $62,000.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Official Website:
    • Founded: 1856
    • Address: 325 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301, USA
    • Phone: +1 603-229-4600
    • Email:
    • Tuition Fees: Approximately $62,000 for Boarding Students
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    Video by St. Paul's School
  9. Top 9

    Noble and Greenough School

    Noble and Greenough School, commonly known as Nobles, is a community dedicated to fostering intellectual curiosity, moral integrity, and empathetic leadership. Located in Dedham, Massachusetts, Nobles was founded in 1866. It has since been committed to providing an exceptional education that prepares students for leadership and service in a dynamic world.

    Nobles stands out for its distinctive approach to education. The approach emphasizes both rigorous academics and personal growth. The school's philosophy of "Effort" encourages students not only to excel academically but also to engage fully in the community and develop a strong work ethic. This philosophy shapes every aspect of life at Nobles. It creates a culture of high achievement and mutual respect.

    With a student-teacher ratio of 6:1 and small class sizes, Nobles offers a deeply personalized learning experience. The school provides a wide array of courses. They include advanced STEM, humanities, and arts programs, designed to challenge students and spark their intellectual curiosity. Moreover, the campus features state-of-the-art facilities that enhance the educational experience. From the cutting-edge science centers to the performing arts spaces, every aspect of the campus is designed to foster learning, exploration, and discovery.

    At Nobles, community and character are at the core of the educational experience. The school is dedicated to creating a nurturing environment where students learn the value of integrity, respect, and empathy. Various community service programs and leadership opportunities are integral to student life. They encourage students to make a positive impact both on and off campus.

    Nobles believes in the importance of a well-rounded education. The school's art program offers extensive opportunities for creative expression. While the athletics program promotes physical health and teamwork. Students are encouraged to explore their interests in a supportive but challenging environment.

    Understanding the investment in education, Nobles is committed to making its transformative education accessible. A robust financial aid program ensures that talented students from all economic backgrounds can benefit from the Nobles experience. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the tuition for day students is approximately $56,200, and for 5-day boarding students, it is around $63,700.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Official Website:
    • Founded: 1866
    • Address: 10 Campus Drive, Dedham, MA 02026, USA
    • Phone: +1 781-320-7000
    • Email:
    • Tuition Fees: Day - Approximately $56,200, 5-Day Boarding - Approximately $63,700
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    Video by NobleandGreenough
  10. Top 10

    Deerfield Academy

    Deerfield Academy is nestled in the picturesque town of Deerfield, Massachusetts. This school is a legacy of academic excellence, character building, and community. Founded in 1797, Deerfield Academy has been committed to preparing students for success in a rapidly changing world.

    Deerfield Academy prides itself on its rigorous academic program, designed to challenge and inspire students. With a student-faculty ratio of 5:1 and an average class size of 12, the school provides a personalized learning experience. Deerfield offers a wide range of courses. They include advanced STEM, humanities, and arts programs, with over 170 courses available to students, ensuring a rich and varied academic life.

    Character development is at the heart of the Deerfield experience. The school's philosophy emphasizes integrity, respect, and responsibility. Various programs and initiatives, including the Center for Service and Global Citizenship, encourage students to engage with the broader world. In addition, environmental stewardship is a key value at Deerfield. The academy's sustainability initiatives aim to reduce its ecological footprint and educate students about their environmental responsibilities. The school's commitment to green practices is evident throughout its operations and curriculum.

    Deerfield's campus features innovative learning spaces that encourage collaboration and creativity. The Hess Center for the Arts provides students with state-of-the-art facilities to pursue their artistic passions, while the Koch Center for Science, Math, and Technology equips young scientists and mathematicians with the tools to explore and discover.

    Deerfield also believes in the importance of physical well-being as part of a comprehensive education. The school offers a broad athletic program with various sports teams and fitness activities. Facilities such as the Dewey Squash Center and the Koch Pool provide top-notch venues for training and competition.

    Deerfield is dedicated to creating a diverse and inclusive community. The school offers a substantial financial aid program. It ensures that students from all economic backgrounds have the opportunity to attend. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the tuition for boarding students is approximately $67,440.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Official Website:
    • Founded: 1797
    • Address: 7 Boyden Lane, Deerfield, MA 01342, USA
    • Phone: +1 413-772-0241
    • Email:
    • Tuition Fees: Approximately $67,440 for Boarding Students
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    Video by Alexander Guo
  11. Top 11

    Lake Forest Academy

    Lake Forest Academy, located in the scenic town of Lake Forest, Illinois, is the last one. It is an institution where tradition embraces innovation, and students are groomed into well-rounded, informed citizens. Founded in 1857, Lake Forest Academy (LFA) prides itself on a history steeped in academic excellence, a nurturing community, and a commitment to preparing students for the complexities of the modern world.

    LFA boasts a challenging and comprehensive curriculum designed to foster intellectual growth and critical thinking. With a student-faculty ratio of 6:1 and an average class size of 12, students receive personalized attention that ensures their individual academic needs are met. The school offers an array of courses, including Advanced Placement (AP) and honors classes, as well as unique programs in leadership, business, and entrepreneurship.

    One of LFA's most distinguishing features is its culturally rich and diverse student body. With students representing over 40 countries and various states, the school is a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and perspectives. This diversity provides a global outlook and prepares students to become citizens of the world.

    LFA is known for its signature programs that extend learning beyond the traditional classroom. Programs like the Global Service Learning and Independent Study offer students hands-on experiences and opportunities to explore their passions deeply. These programs emphasize experiential learning and foster a spirit of inquiry and innovation.

    The school recognizes the importance of a balanced education. The arts program at LFA encourages creative expression and appreciation, with facilities that support music, theater, and visual arts. The athletics program, offering a wide range of sports, emphasizes teamwork, discipline, and physical fitness. It contributes to the holistic development of students.

    LFA is committed to sustainability and responsible stewardship of the environment. The school's green initiatives and programs aim to educate students about ecological issues and encourage them to adopt sustainable practices in their daily lives.

    Understanding the importance of accessibility to quality education, LFA offers a comprehensive financial aid program. The school strives to ensure that talented students from diverse backgrounds can experience an LFA education. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the tuition for boarding students is approximately $63,500.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Official Website:
    • Founded: 1857
    • Address: 1500 W Kennedy Rd, Lake Forest, IL 60045, USA
    • Phone: +1 847-615-3210
    • Email:
    • Tuition Fees: Approximately $63,500 for Boarding Students
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    Video by Lake Forest Academy

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