Top 10 Best Brown Sugar Substitutes
It can be stressful to run out of an ingredient for a recipe, but brown sugar is one ingredient you shouldn't worry about running out of. There are few things ... read more...worse than learning you are out of brown sugar midway through a recipe for the ideal chocolate chip cookie. There are a few useful alternatives, many of which you may already have in your closet, that you may use in an emergency. The greatest alternatives to brown sugar are listed below.
By itself, molasses is a kind of sugar. According to The Sugar Association, during the refinement of cane sugar, the sticky material is removed from the crystals. The molasses gets darker in the centrifuge as it spins for a longer period of time. Molasses acquires its distinctive, intense caramel flavor as a result of this procedure. This alternative might seem a bit spot on given that molasses is one of the two components that make up brown sugar (the other being granulated sugar), but there's a good reason for that: You can use it to create your own brown sugar from scratch.
Making brown sugar from white sugar doesn't require any unique techniques or a secret recipe. Simply measuring, pouring, and mixing are required. For light brown sugar, mix 1 cup of granulated sugar with 1 tablespoon of molasses. To substitute dark brown sugar for molasses, add up to 2 tablespoons. It should be noted that since plain molasses has the ability to give your recipe an overpowering bitterness, it cannot be used as a substitute for brown sugar.
Molasses Molasses -
The common white granulated form of sugar is the one that people are most accustomed to. Sugar cane or sugar beets are the sources of granulated sugar. It is treated, having the molasses completely removed, and then allowed to crystallize. Depending on its use, it is then further ground to create the appropriate size granule. Granulated sugar is perfectly white and has little to little moisture content since the molasses is eliminated.
Granulated sugar functions well as a substitute for brown sugar in dishes that don't call for its wetness or powerful taste. For mild sauces, marinades, and noodle meals, substitute it 1:1. Molasses offers the moisture that is frequently required in baked items that call for brown sugar. If you choose to use granulated sugar in place of brown sugar, you will need to add additional moisture to your baked items to achieve the desired texture. It would be best to include molasses, but you could also make light brown sugar by mixing a cup of sugar with a tablespoon of each of dark corn syrup, pure maple syrup, or honey.
Granulated sugar Granulated sugar -
The world has been made sweeter by honey for hundreds of years (via Smithsonian). Honey should always be present in your cupboard in addition to its many uses and possible health advantages. A 2009 study found that increasing "good" HDL cholesterol and lowering "bad" LDL cholesterol may be accomplished by consuming a daily amount of honey. The honey that comes to mind as being the most popular is sold at the grocery shop in a little bear-shaped squeeze tube. This honey often has a moderate flavor and is well-rounded, making it appropriate for most uses.
Additionally, there are artisanal variants made from buckwheat, lavender, or clover. It follows that the honey was produced by bees that collect nectar from these specific plants. Honey is sweeter than sugar, therefore you should use half as much of it in place of brown sugar, as advised by Big Island Bees. Due to the high water content of honey, you should reduce the other liquid ingredients in baking by 14 cups for every cup of honey. Due to honey's low heat tolerance, you should lower your oven's temperature by 25 degrees to prevent your baked items from burning. To lessen acidity and lighten the density, add 14 teaspoons of baking soda to 1 cup of honey.
Honey Honey -
Agave nectar is made from the sap of the agave plant, which tequila drinkers should be familiar with. The agave sap is cooked down to a syrup until the correct hue is achieved in order to prepare it for eating. Then it is bottled for use as a sweetener or, in this case, a low-glycemic-index alternative to brown sugar. Agave nectar comes in various color grades, and if at all possible, go for the darker syrup to get the flavor of brown sugar. Agave nectar is best used in liquid recipes, such as sauces or beverages, rather than in baked goods.
Because agave nectar is sweeter than brown sugar, less of it is required in a recipe when using it in place of the latter. Spiceography advises using 2 3 cups of agave nectar for each cup of brown sugar included in a recipe. If you have granulated sugar in the cupboard, you may also make homemade brown sugar using agave nectar. If the recipe calls for light brown sugar, mix 1 cup of granulated sugar with 1 tablespoon of agave nectar. Increase the nectar by two as a substitution for dark brown sugar.
Agave nectar Agave nectar -
For many people who enjoy fluffy pancakes or waffles, maple syrup is certainly a gift from nature. It has left its stamp on people's emotions, stomachs, and big business, from lattes to bacon. According to Michigan State University, tapping trees for the delicious substance is one of the nation's oldest agricultural practices, and business is booming. However, not all maple syrups are made equal. Grade A variations include Grade A Amber Color, Grade A Dark Color, and Grade A Very Dark Color (via Bascom).
Prioritize the Grade A Dark Color or Grade A Very Dark Color to replicate the traditional powerful brown sugar flavor, even though all of these grades are good and will work. Blogchef suggests using 3/4 cup of maple syrup to 1 cup of brown sugar when converting amounts. As with honey, you must cut back on your overall liquid intake by 3 tablespoons for every 34 cups of maple syrup. In addition, unless your recipe asks for sour cream or buttermilk, you need to add 14 teaspoons of baking soda. Since liquid sweeteners brown more quickly than regular sugar, keep in mind to lower your oven's temperature by 25 degrees.
Maple syrup Maple syrup -
The way turbinado sugar glistens like small, irregularly cut diamonds made of golden amber. It is different in a few ways from brown sugar while being identical. In contrast to brown sugar, it first goes through a bigger crystallization process. The molasses is kept and detected by the tastebuds since it is raw sugar, which is another factor. But keep in mind that it doesn't have the same moisture content as regular brown sugar since extra molasses isn't poured back into the sugar.
According to Wellness Warrior, it is not ideal for all brown sugar substitutes due to its rather high crystal size. The texture of your completed product may alter while baking since the bigger crystals may not always dissolve as desired. Additionally, you won't have the moisture that regular brown sugar has. Turbinado sugar is frequently used to add a little bit of sweet crunch to muffins, pastries, and gingersnap cookie recipes because of its larger crystal size. Packs of Sugar in the Raw give your morning coffee a strong, swirl of sweetness. Additionally, turbinado sugar performs well in sauces with stronger flavors that are cooked, allowing the sugar to dissolve.
Turbinado sugar Turbinado sugar -
Like the sort of coconut, you get from pia Coladas and the air smells of suntan lotion? Actually, not quite. The sap from the bloom of the coconut tree is used to make coconut sugar. It is dried and processed into sugar crystals after being heated until all of the water has evaporated, just like other sugars. When compared to other alternative sugars, it tastes the most like brown sugar and is identical in color to regular brown sugar. Coconut sugar may be used 1:1 for brown sugar in baking and is an excellent alternative.
Yes, it works well for anything from cakes to cookies to brownies. However, there are a few guidelines to follow when replacing it with brown sugar (via Spiceography). First, keep coconut sugar away from direct, high heat while making toffee or hard caramels. Since coconut sugar browns easily and has a low heat tolerance, it is ineffective in these kinds of dishes. Second, use extra moisture in the form of mashed bananas, yogurt, or milk in your recipe for baked goods. Otherwise, the texture of your baked items would be heavy and dry.
Coconut sugar Coconut sugar -
The upscale artisan sugar on this list is muscovado sugar, also referred to as Barbados sugar. Because the molasses is not separated from the sugar, it is regarded as being unrefined. This sugar has a very strong molasses flavor, making it stickier, darker, and more flavorful. The closest texture to that of conventional brown sugar is that of muscovado sugar, which is prepared in a manner that gives it a wet sand-like appearance. The nutrients present in muscovado sugar are noteworthy. According to Organic Facts, muscovado sugar provides more magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iron than regular brown sugar because it has more molasses in it.
According to Healthline, muscovado sugar contains strong toffee undertones and a rich flavor. This is crucial to keep in mind since it will function better in baked items that are deeper in color. Consider chocolate-based recipes like brownies. Muscovado sugar works nicely in savory sauces as well, particularly glazes and barbecue sauces. It can withstand high temperatures and is useful for making sweets with strong molasses undertones like toffee and caramel. Brown sugar and muscovado sugar can be substituted for the other.
Muscovado sugar Muscovado sugar -
To put it mildly, this is perhaps the most inventive kind of sugar, which may help to explain why it costs more than other sugar alternatives. Date sugar, which has its roots in the Middle East, is created by crushing dry dates into granules that first resemble conventional brown sugar. Date sugar is less granular and more fibrous than regular sugar, as you can see if you look closely. Its flavor and texture are comparable to brown sugar's caramel flavor.
The advantages of date sugar for health are widely documented. Dates are rich in fiber, iron, B vitamins, and potassium, claims One Green Planet. Therefore, it's comforting to know that these nutrients are a plus when using date sugar. Well, when dehydrating and grinding, some of those fibers are retained. Small fibers found in date sugar prevent it from dissolving when cooked or baked. This is crucial to bear in mind as you consider the texture your recipe will hopefully produce. Would this sugar work well as a smooth glaze for donuts? In a word, no.
Date sugar Date sugar -
A palm tree, namely the nipa palm, produces palm sugar (via Primal Pal). To replace conventional sugar, sap from the tree's trunk is collected, thickened by boiling, and then broken up into granules. It features the caramel-like overtones people love about brown sugar and has a finer texture than turbinado sugar. Remember that palm sugar is available as cakes, granules, and syrup.
The fact that palm sugar is so nutrient-dense, aside from the flavor, is perhaps one of its finest features. According to Primal Pal, it is as follows: The majority, if not all, of palm sugar's minerals, such as potassium, iron, zinc, and B vitamins, are retained since it is not processed. Additionally, it has a low glycemic index rating. This means it doesn't spike your blood sugar so there will be no subsequent crash to follow. Palm sugar has a high heat tolerance, which makes it ideal as a 1:1 substitution for brown sugar for producing confections like hard caramels, pralines, or peanut brittle. It can also be used in place of brown sugar in recipes for savory foods and sauces.
Palm sugar Palm sugar