Top 8 Best Inspiring Motion Graphic Websites
Motion graphics are basically animated graphic design, a new wage of design. Motion graphics are usually displayed via electronic media technology, but may ... read more...also be displayed via manual-powered technology. Want to stay updated on the newest motion graphic trends and get some fresh ideas to create your own motion graphic designs? Check out this list for some of the best inspiring motion graphic websites out there!
Being launched in 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim, Youtube quickly became a big "hit" as it was the first website of its kind. The website is now owned by Google, the second most visited website with more than 2.5 billion monthly users, only after Google. Every day, people watch more than one billion hours of videos on Youtube, and as of 2019, videos were being uploaded at a rate of more than 500 hours of content per minute on the website. Now, YouTube has diversified into mobile apps, network television, and the ability to connect with other platforms.
For motion graphic designers, as well as everyone interested in motion graphic designs, is the right place for you. Youtube acts as a video-sharing website where users can upload, share, and watch all types of online videos, including motion graphics-related ones. In fact, it is unquestionably one of the finest places to obtain motion design ideas. Several YouTube channels provide videos on various issues, such as motion graphic examples, free lessons, daily routines, trial and error, and many more.
If you just started and want to look for great channels to subscribe to on Youtube, here are some you should definitely check out: Jake In Motion: A motion designer who offers After Effects video training; Ben Marriott: An Australian motion designer that offers over 100 motion design educational videos; Dope Motions: Providing high-quality graphics and VFX courses, as well as presenting the current motion design trends, etc.
Website's total visits: 33.6B
(Numbers as of April 2023 from via Video by Jake In Motion -
Instagram was initially launched in October 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger for iOS. It quickly grew in popularity, with one million registered users in two months, ten million in a year, and one billion by June 2018. Being created with the intention of connecting people from all over the world and the things they care about, Instagram is now used by over one billion people worldwide. The website encourages people to experience the world in new ways, explore new hobbies, and express themselves fully. It is also one of the biggest social media platforms in the world. allows its users to upload media that can be edited with cool filters and organized by hashtags and geographical tagging, making it easier for them to link with their friends or look for things they are interested in. Their posts could also be shared publicly. Therefore, you can easily find your inspirational motion graphic designs by searching with hashtags and tags. After that, you can save your favorite pics to a private area on your account. In May 2021, Instagram launched a new feature for videos on Instagram Reels and Stories, allowing creators to place closed captions on their content. You can also watch how to create motion graphic designs by watching them.
In addition, Instagram users can follow other users to add their content to a personal feed. These are some of the most followed accounts related to motion graphics for you to get your inspiration from: @motiongraphics_ Collective, @deekaymotion, @henriquebarone, etc.
Website's total visits: 6.4B
(Numbers as of April 2023 from via @motiongraphics_ Collective on Instagram -
Pinterest should be familiar to you if you are a fan of beautiful pictures or if you are the one creating them. This image-sharing and social networking website is excellent for being a social networking website that allows users to find and save information (particularly "ideas") on the internet via photos and, on a lesser scale, animated GIFs and videos in the form of pinboards. By December 2022, the website had 450 million global monthly active users. It became one of the most popular image-sharing platforms and one of the best and most inspiring motion graphic websites. allows you to "Pin" your favorite inspiring designs among billions of Pins on the platform. Therefore, you should never worry about not being inspired while using the site. Save your favorite Pins to boards to keep your ideas organized and easy to locate. You may also use Pinterest to share your thoughts by creating Pins and sharing them with others on the website.
You can also tap on Profiles to find creators sharing the most inspiring motion graphic designs, use your camera to gather ideas for your images, and then filter down to get the best result. Besides its easy-to-use interface, is also loved for always having the newest and trendiest designs, as well as showing users the most suitable pictures for them.
Website's total visits: 1.1B
(Numbers as of April 2023 from via Video by Howfinity -
Freepik was launched first in Malaga in 2010 with the goal of giving free graphic materials to designers everywhere in the world. Initially, it was a search engine that indexed information and content from the top ten free designer content websites. Now, several million people utilize the Spanish stock picture portal, including even international corporations such as Microsoft, FedEx, Amazon, and Spotify. Therefore, there is no doubt that it is one of the best websites to visit when you want to find inspirational motion graphic designs.
Being a website that provides image banks, you can find anything image-related on, including photographs, illustrations, vector images, drawings, gifs, and of course, motion graphic designs. The platform uses a freemium model to distribute its content, which means users can access much of the content for free. Still, purchasing a subscription with benefits such as access to more exclusive resources, the option to not attribute the content used, or a higher number of daily downloads is also possible. So try it out and choose what is best for you.
As the largest platform for free motion graphic elements that can be used in motion graphic projects, Freepik is definitely a site you can't miss. Visit the site and see how it will inspire you to create incredible motion graphic designs.
Website's total visits: 101.7M(Numbers as of April 2023 from
Video by Freepik -
Jake Lodwick and Zach Klein created Vimeo in 2004 as a spin-off of CollegeHumor to distribute comedic videos among coworkers. Still, it was placed on hold to support CollegeHumor's rising popularity. However, the site quickly gained popularity for focusing on delivering high-definition video to various devices. Now, it is the "most innovative video experience platform on the planet." allows its users to create high-quality video experiences to bring their ideas to life and help them interact more effectively with others who have the same mindset and love for producing videos and motion graphics. The website now has approximately 300 million users ranging from creative storytellers to internationally spread teams at the world's top corporations.
Compared to YouTube, Vimeo motion graphic designers are of higher quality. There are many wonderful sites to get inspired motion graphics — particularly on the Vimeo Staff Picks website, where you can see hundreds of well-chosen examples of motion design and cinematography. In addition, Groups and Channels on Vimeo are also wonderful places to acquire motion graphic inspiration since they generally have a moderator who decides whether a film is good enough to be allowed. If you prefer a certain kind of video, you may configure your video feed to show only those videos.
Website's total visits: 78.8M(Numbers as of April 2023 from
Behance is one of the services included with the complete Adobe Design Suite subscription and is also the most prominent creative network in the world for presenting and finding creative workshops. Being a paradise for designers from all over the world to exhibit their work, this site is not only one of the top design reference sites but also one of the best inspiring motion graphic websites out there.
Like other design reference sites, allows you to customize your feed by selecting keywords like photography, motion graphics, and illustration or by following your choice of users to find design inspirations. Once you finish the simple setting, you will be wowed by original artwork and designs from creative people worldwide that'll be renewed every minute.
On the other hand, the website allows you to share your work and even live stream from your desktop. Your personal site on will be the space to showcase your arts and crafts, which is also the portfolio everyone, including your customers, can view. Therefore, displaying your portfolio on a website such as Behance is one of the most efficient ways to advertise your talents and talent.
Website's total visits: 47.1M
(Numbers as of April 2023 from via Video by Verisign -
Dribbble was founded in July 2009 and has evolved into a global community where tens of millions of individuals get inspired and interact with designers all around the world. Dribbble has almost 10 million Shots, or snapshots of designers' work as of January 2020, making it one of the most prolific and involved design communities. For this reason alone, it is not wrong to put it in this list of the best inspiring motion graphic websites. focuses on developing features and solutions that elevate designers and their work to the next level. It is delighted to have collaborated with some of the most innovative design businesses, like Apple, InVision, and Slack, to help designers progress their careers and find jobs they enjoy.
The website has many excellent instances of motion design hidden inside its pages if you know how to look for them. Dribbble allows users to categorize designs by color, software utilized, and style. This tool is helpful if you have a certain design style. Tags also make it easier to filter through projects since you can simply choose the After Effects tab to see all projects generated using AE. Dribbble also features a component for discovering local artist meet-ups. Furthermore, you may go to the employment area and filter by teams or individuals if you're seeking work.
Website's total visits: 18.7M
(Numbers as of April 2023 from
Screenshot via Video by Pierluigi Giglio -
The last website on our list is a site that is perfect for finding inspiring interviews of motion designers and other artists worldwide. The School of Motion features interviews with numerous designers, animators, producers, and others involved in the motion graphics business. On this website, you may find over 100 podcast episodes that cover topics such as getting clients, productivity habits, where the business is headed, and even must-know legal information for freelancers.
On, you can access great workshops that feature hours of video walkthroughs from the creators themselves, breaking down the main concepts being explored in each film they have taken part in. Go to "Workshops" on the website, and find one with a topic of your liking! Every Workshop comes with multiple project files and assets to let you explore the production of each piece. These are the actual production files from each film and design. You'll learn not just why these films and designs were made but how from experts in the field. You can also get hands-on experience through practical coursework, real-world briefs, and personalized feedback from teaching assistants when participating in the "Courses" on the website. There are also Student Success, Team Training, Blog, etc., for you to check out.
With, you can listen to how people got their start in the profession, lead in motion design education, produce daily artwork, or even develop massive animation collaborations. Therefore, check out this fantastic website for your next inspiration for creating motion graphic designs.
Website's total visits: 737.1K
(Numbers as of April 2023 from by School of Motion