Top 15 Best Places To Visit In Cairo

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One of the most fascinating places in the entire globe is Cairo, the capital of Egypt. Rich in history, it also has a forward-thinking philosophy and offers a ... read more...

  1. The Egyptian Museum is the best location in Cairo for learning about ancient civilisations, archaeological discoveries, Egyptian history, and local culture throughout the ages. It is housed in a sizable and stunning edifice that was constructed in the early 1900s. The Egyptian museum is home to an amazing 120,000 or so pieces, albeit not all exhibits are on show at once. For anyone interested in learning more about the rich history of the nation and wanting to admire a wide range of artefacts, it is a Cairo must-do. The museum is home to the largest collection of Pharaonic-era artifacts anywhere in the world.

    One of Cairo's most fascinating attractions, the Egyptian Museum, houses a variety of masterpieces that should be thoroughly appreciated (you may even want to stay in a hostel nearby and come back twice). As you observe the remains of papyrus, which was formerly used for writing communications, and metal coins from ancient Egyptian, Roman, Greek, and Islamic civilisations, be in awe at the sophistication of prehistoric societies.

    As you look at coffins, statues, stone objects, tiles, creepy death masks, carved stones, and more, you can travel through many eras. There are some mummified bodies of previous kings among the intriguing artifacts found in the Pharaohs' tombs. Highlights include the grave mask of Psusennes I, the colossal stone statue of Amenhotep III ad Tiye, the stern figure of Khafre, the golden death mask of Tutankhamun, depictive tiles from the era of Rameses III, and the golden death mask of Tutankhamun.

    Address: El Tahrir Square, Cairo
    Phone: +20 112 377 5618
    Rating: 4.5/5.0, 12738 Tripadvisor reviews

  2. The Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx are two internationally renowned landmarks that must be on any list of Cairo's top destinations. One of the most visited attractions in Cairo is the Pyramids of Giza, which are situated on the hot and muggy Giza Plateau. The ancient legends and sheer magnificence of these pyramids will enthrall you if you enjoy history. With a variety of accommodations, restaurants, shops, and nightlife options, Giza has developed as a result of the tourism sector and is currently among the best places to stay in Cairo. It can be used as a base instead of the city center. Pyramids of Giza is worthy to be one of the Best Places To Visit In Cairo.

    The largest of the Giza group is the Pyramid of Cheops, also known as the Great Pyramid or Pyramid of Khufu. Its interior, which is made up of a series of small corridors, can be examined, however there isn't much to see other than a simple tomb room with an empty coffin. The smaller Pyramid of Mycerinus and the Pyramid of Chephren, also known as the Pyramid of Khefre and located on the plateau further to the south, both include an accessible internal tunnel section (Pyramid of Menkaure).

    The pyramid plateau is about 13 kilometers southwest of the heart of Giza, on the outskirts of the city's suburban sprawl. The majority of visitors arrive by cab, however it is also easily reached by taking the metro to Giza and then boarding a local minibus, which drops you off right at the entrance. Since the area surrounding the Pyramids of Giza is extremely large, many visitors choose to tour it, frequently including a camel or horse ride. The Private Half-Day Trip to the Giza Pyramids with Camel-Riding is an excellent choice for first-timers. This covers lunch, a guide, pick-up and drop-off from your hotel, as well as 25 minutes riding a camel.

    Address: Al Haram Str., Giza 12611
    Phone: +20 115 019 3357
    Rating: 4.5/5.0, 8328 Tripadvisor reviews
  3. The Museum of Islamic Art is the perfect destination to explore if you want to learn more about Cairo's Islamic past. The Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo is home to one of the most significant collections of Middle Eastern art in the entire world. Price collections and exhibits that preserve the finest Middle Easter art can be found here. Don't forget to take a look at the intricate wood inlay, Ottoman tiles, etc.

    On display are, among other things, Ayyubid ceramics, murals, finely patterned wood inlay, coins, carved marble tombstones, jewel-toned carpets, and Ottoman tile work. Spend some time looking at the lit Qurans and the displays of ornately decorative pottery, glass, and metal objects. Then proceed to the halls devoted to astronomy and other disciplines, where you'll find incredibly intricate astrolabes and other equipment, to view the extraordinarily beautiful jewelry collection.

    A trip to this location is an exploration of the depth and breadth of Islamic tradition. The Museum of Islamic Art is a fantastic site to start or conclude a visit to the neighborhood because it is located on the outskirts of Historic Cairo. Once you've crossed a horribly congested main road, you can easily stroll to Bab Zuweila.

    Address: Al Corniche Street, Doha, Doha

    Phone: +974 4422 4444

    Rating: 4.5/5.0, 6354 Tripadvisor reviews
  4. One of the most well-known attractions to see in Cairo is the Citadel of Cairo, which Saladin built in 1176. It is situated in Muslim Cairo, and according to UNESCO, it is "the new center of the Islamic world, reaching its golden era in the 14th century." The edifice is still imposing and has a distinctive charm even though the original foundation is no longer there. The Muhammad Ali Mosque is this place's main tourist attraction. Go to the Gawhara Terrace and take in the lovely scenery for a strange view of the city. The Pyramids, which are located outside the city, are also visible on a clear day.

    The most well-known structure and primary draw is the Mosque of Muhammad Ali. One of Cairo's most famous buildings is the "Alabaster Mosque," so named for its white stone and towering, abnormally slender minarets. The city views are another important reason to travel up here; for the best vista in town, head to the Gawhara Terrace. The El-Nasir Mosque, constructed in 1318–1335 by Mohammed el–Nasir, is located right next to the Muhammad Ali Mosque.

    The Police Museum, National Military Museum, and Carriage Museum, among others, occupy a number of the other buildings on the property and are more interesting to examine for their architecture than for the exhibits they house. If you have the energy, you can take Khayyamiyya Street from Bab Zuweila to the citadel area. It takes roughly 30 minutes to walk.

    Address: 171 Moultrie St, Charleston, SC 29409
    Phone: +1 843-225-3294
    Rating: 4.5/5.0, 750 Tripadvisor reviews
  5. The Sultan Hassan Mosque, which was built between 1356 and 1363, is a remarkable example of Mamluk architecture. The mosque, which also serves as a mausoleum and contains the sarcophagus of Sultan Hassan el-Nasir, was constructed in his honor. The mosque is one of the most intriguing tourist destinations in Cairo since it exhibits such exceptional Arabic workmanship. The Sultan Hassan Mosque is a magnificent example of Islamic craftsmanship, including complex arabesque motifs and a profusion of stalactite ornamentation. This mosque is one of the Best Places To Visit In Cairo that you should know.

    You can enter the domed vestibule through the large doorway. The exterior is reminiscent of ancient Egyptian temples. You can see an antechamber behind it that connects to the open court. The south corner's minaret is Cairo's tallest at 81.5 meters, and the large main gateway at the north corner is over 26 meters high. You can now access the mausoleum through the iron door. The main entrance opens into a domed vestibule, which is followed by a tiny antechamber and a corridor that leads to the elaborate open court that is built around a toilet fountain.

    The stalactitic pendentives of the original dome can still be seen inside the sultan's mausoleum, which is entered by an iron door from here. The plain sarcophagus of the sultan is located in the chamber's middle. The El-Rifai Mosque, which was built in 1912 to hold the grave of Khedive Ismail and was designed to resemble its older neighbor across the street, lies directly across from the Sultan Hassan Mosque. Also interred here is Mohammed Reza Pahlavi (1919–1980), the former shah of Iran. Directly behind Cairo's Citadel, on Midan Salah ad-Din, both mosques are conspicuously situated.

    Address: Mohamed Ali, Qesm El Khalifa, Cairo

    Phone: +20 2 25121003

    Rating: 4.5/5.0, 449 Tripadvisor reviews
  6. Ahmed Ibn Tulun, the governor of the Abbasid dynasty, constructed the Ibn Tulun Mosque, the second-oldest mosque still standing in Cairo, between 876 and 879 CE. The building, which is 6 acres or 2.5 hectares in size, has a huge courtyard that is interesting to explore. Ahmed Ibn Tulun was constructed as a wall between the inner sanctum and the outside world. Its Minaret is one of the most spectacular characteristics that draws many tourists. It contains a well-known spiral staircase that may be used to enter the courtyard from the outside.

    Although many people consider the staircase to be dangerous, it is worth climbing if you want to see the spectacular vista. Each side of the courtyard has four chambers built up, and the attractive 13th-century fauwara or fountain lies in the middle. Numerous surviving remnants of the elaborate frieze work may be seen in the colonnades of the main court, which open onto a number of halls with small fronts.

    The main prayer hall's (southern side of the court) mihrab still bears some of its original gold mosaic decoration, as well as pieces of its older stucco and wood carving design. The 40-meter-tall minaret, which has a beautiful horseshoe arch above the entrance and an inside spiral staircase, is located on the mosque's northern side. The Great Mosque of Samarra on the Tigris served as inspiration for its minarets. Walking straight along Al-Saliba Street will take you from the Sultan Hassan Mosque to the Ibn Tulun Mosque.

    Address: 22 El Dohdaira, Qesm El Sayda Zeinb, Cairo

    Phone: unknown

    Rating: 4.5/5.0, 399 Tripadvisor reviews
  7. Al-Azhar Mosque, which was finished in 972 CE, is one of Cairo's earliest and finest surviving mosques and the finest structure from the Fatimid era. This can be considered as one of the Best Places To Visit In Cairo. Al-Azhar University is still the most important theological center in the Islamic world today. It is also one of the oldest universities in the world, having been granted university status by Caliph El-Aziz in 988 CE (the other university competing for "oldest" distinction is in Fes).

    The Gate of the Barbers, next to the neo-Arab facade constructed by Abbas II, is the building's principal entrance. You should enter the center courtyard after removing your shoes at the entryway. The El-Taibarsiya Medrese, which is to your right, has a mihrab (prayer niche) that dates to 1309. Al-Azhar mosque's five minarets, which crown the structure, are best seen from the central courtyard.

    The massive 3,000 square meter main prayer hall is located across the courtyard. The front half of the structure dates back to the initial construction, whereas Abd el-Rahman added the back half. It is simple to take a taxi to the Al-Azhar Mosque, which is located in the center of Cairo's Islamic neighborhood. From Midan Ataba in the center of the city, Al-Azhar Street travels east until it reaches the mosque's square.

    Address: 1 Haret Derb El Atrak, Qesm El Darb El Ahmar, Cairo

    Phone: unknown

    Rating: 4.5/5.0, 372 Tripadvisor reviews
  8. The Coptic Museum, which opened its doors in 1910, is home to the largest collection of Coptic artifacts in the entire world. Marcus Simaika Pasha, a well-known Copt with a stake in the preservation of Coptic legacy, worked to create the museum. Simaika Pasha utilised older churches that were being renovated for its Coptic antiquities and other architectural components to build the museum and develop its collection. Rich linens, statues that display Ptolemaic era traces, and entire walls covered in monastic murals may all be found in the galleries. The Psalms of David, which have two original hardwood covers, are the earliest psalm book in existence.

    The collection depicts Coptic history from its earliest origins in Egypt to its rise to prominence as a major center of Christianity worldwide. Coptic Christianity can be traced back to Saint Mark's stop at Alexandria in the first century A.D. The objects on display in the museum demonstrate how Coptic art evolved to take on its own personality and identity as well as how it merged with other dominant cultures including Pharaonic, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman.

    Its enormous collection includes magnificently painted manuscripts, icons, exquisitely carved woodwork, and elaborate frescos with religious motifs found in old monasteries and cathedrals. The Coptic museum is made even more appealing and desired by the use of luxurious linens and walls covered in murals from monastic buildings. It is considered as one of the Best Places To Visit In Cairo.

    Address: No 4 Fakhry Abd el Nour street Abbassia, Cairo 11511 Egypt

    Phone: +20 2 23639742

    Rating: 4.5/5.0, 324 Tripadvisor reviews
  9. The Cairo Nilometer is situated on Roda Island and was built in AD 861. The exquisite Nilometer is housed within the stunning Monastiri Palace. As well as predicting the yearly harvest's situation, it was really utilized to calculate the River Nile's rise and fall. The Turkish-style dome is a symbol of the outstanding architectural ability present during the Farouk era.

    The Sharia Al Malek As Salih is where you can access the building. In addition to this magnificent building, you should also check out the Umm Kulthum Museum, which is devoted to the Egyptian diva Umm Kulthum. In addition to having some decaying early 20th-century mansion architecture, Roda Island's streets are enjoyable to meander through outside the palace.

    A tiny museum honoring the life of Egypt's celebrated diva is located on the Nilometer as well. The most well-known singer in the Arab world, Umm Khalthum (1898–1975), may be heard playing loudly on the streets of Egypt from ahwas (classic coffee shops) and on almost every taxi's stereo. The museum's interior houses a collection of the singer's belongings, including her stunning stage attire covered in sequins. There's also an intriguing black and white documentary about her life (with English subtitles). This can be seen as one of the Best Places To Visit In Cairo.

    Address: Roda Island, Cairo, 11511

    Phone: unknown

    Rating: 4.5/5.0, 102 Tripadvisor reviews
  10. Manshiyat Naser is one of Cairo's more unusual tourist destinations. And it's clear that not everyone will enjoy it. Manshiyat Naser, which is near to the Moqattam Hills, is frequently referred to as Garbage City. There is an excessive amount of trash in the streets, including mounds that extend to rooftops and entrances. The Zabbaleen, a local group, gather trash from Cairo residences and transfer it to their village where it is sorted for recyclable materials.

    With around 90% of all trash being repurposed, reused, and recycled, the refuse disposal system is very effective despite the odors and unpleasant appearance. The village was the subject of a documentary that sought to emphasize the circumstances of the locals and tell their narrative. The Monastery of Saint Simon, one of Cairo's incredible under-explored secrets, is also located nearby.

    Adventuresome tourists might appreciate exploring Garbage City and interacting with the neighborhood garbage collectors and sorters. Remember that this is still a residential area, though, and exercise caution not to intrude on others' privacy, engage in poverty tourism, or behave inappropriately. Wear sturdy shoes and get ready for potentially overwhelming sights, sounds, and scents. Visit the village church to learn more about Coptic Christianity and take a look inside one of the many cave churches that dot the slope.

    The enormous Monastery of Saint Simon is one of the primary tourist attractions in Manshiyat Naser City. The enormous house of worship, sometimes referred to as the Cave Church, has space for almost 20,000 worshipers. It is among the largest Christian congregations in the entire Middle East. Take a moment to admire the numerous statues and sculptures and the beautiful carvings that depict biblical scenes. Sit down and marvel at the size while taking a few quiet moments to yourself.

    Address: 7 Mar Girgis Street, Qesm Monshat Nasser, Cairo

    Phone: unknown

    Rating: 4.5/5.0, 10 Tripadvisor reviews
  11. One of Cairo's most well-known tourist destinations is the Khan el-Khalili, which was established in the 14th century. An intricate network of passageways connects to create a bustling bazaar. If one shop doesn't have what you're searching for, they'll cheerfully find someone who does. It's a terrific spot to buy mementos. Due to the opportunity to experience medieval Cairo here, the market's significance to both culture and commerce cannot be disputed.

    The main thoroughfares have long since been totally taken over by the tourist industry, but side streets and nearby alleyways are among of the greatest locations to get Egypt's traditional goods. Here, you may browse little shops and untidy workshops. Everything from antiques and exquisite metal lampshades to locally woven textiles may be found here.

    While you're here, pay a visit to Fishawis, Cairo's most well-known coffee shop, where foreigners and local businessmen alike are served syrupy Arabic coffee and sweet tea at breakneck speed. Al-Muski Street is the primary souq road for consumers (called Gawhar al-Qaid Street at its eastern end). Near the intersection of this street and Al-Muizz Li-Din Allah Street, which is where the most of the gold and silver workshops are located, is where the spice market area is located. The Sayyidna el-Husein Mosque, constructed in 1792 to honor the Prophet Muhammad's grandson, encircles the market on its eastern side. Al-Azhar Street, which is located across the street from Al-Azhar Mosque, provides the quickest access to the Khan el-Khalili neighborhood.

    Address: 2 Passage No 6, Qesm El Gamalia, Cairo

    Phone: +20 109 099 5194

    Rating: 4.0/5.0, 4025 Tripadvisor reviews
  12. No matter how you look at the Cairo Tower, which is renowned for being the highest building in North Africa, it appears to be a magnificent work of art. One of Cairo's most notable sights is the towering Cairo Tower, which is 187 meters (614 feet) tall. Additionally, it's one of the best romantic getaway options in Cairo for couples. The silver-colored latticed tower was built between the middle of the 1950s and the beginning of the 1960s and was designed to resemble a lotus plant, a well-known symbol from the time of the Pharaohs. This magnificent work of architecture is 46 feet in diameter and has a total of 90 storeys. It was once the tallest building in Africa. At the very top, there is an observation platform.

    Cairo now uses the tower for observation and communication reasons. However, a lot of people still come here during the day to get a bird's-eye perspective of the entire city. Before getting closer, take in the unusual and eye-catching tower from a distance. Visit the observation deck to enjoy the breathtaking views of Cairo spread out below you. Look for some of Cairo's well-known landmarks in the distance.

    Additionally, you can savor a delectable supper in the chic rotating restaurant, which is especially ideal for couples. There are a few places to eat here where you may obtain delectable food at reasonable prices. While you eat, it gently rotates, doing one full rotation in just over an hour. The cuisine is tasty and offers a wide variety of regional foods.

    Address: El-Andalus, Cairo 11511 Egypt
    Phone: +20 2 27365112
    Rating: 4.0/5.0, 1160 Tripadvisor reviews
  13. One of Egypt's most fascinating kings was Caliph Al-Hakim. This Fatimid ruler was infamous for his terrifying rule over the land, which included the frequent murder of his royal household staff, nightly patrols of his city's streets while disguised as a donkey to ensure his subjects were behaving themselves, and the issuing of bizarre decrees across the nation (such as banning the eating of the Egyptian mallow-leaf, called molokheya, because only he wanted to be able to consume it).

    Al-Hakim Mosque, completed in 1013 CE, has served as a madrassa, Crusader fortification, and psychiatric institution over the ages. It underwent a comprehensive restoration in the 1980s. The most remarkable architectural features in this area are the minarets. They were once round, but after Cairo's earthquake in 1303, they were rebuilt, giving them their current square shell and domed top parts (which resemble an Arab incense burner).

    Al-Hakim Mosque
    is situated between two of the most significant gates in the old neighborhood. The mosque's Bab el-Nasr (Gate of Victory) and Bab el-Futuh (Gate of Conquests), both of which were constructed in 1087, resemble the ancient Roman town gates in shape. Follow Al-Mu'izz li-Din Allah Street all the way north to reach the Mosque of Al-Hakim from the Al-Azhar Mosque.

    Address: In Front Of Air Defense House 3 Masr El Saudia Buildings, Nasr C, Cairo, Cairo

    Phone: +20 2 25929771

    Rating: 4.0/5.0, 64 Tripadvisor reviews
  14. Another best places to visit in Cairo is Old Cairo. Old Cairo gives you a glimpse into Egypt's illustrious past because of its extensive ancient history and countless churches. It is unquestionably among Cairo's must-see locations. There are a number of significant historical sites that serve as reminders of the Greco-Roman era. Additionally, it is where Babylon was established in 525 BCE.

    The white and red bricks still show the remains of this Roman stronghold. You can visit a number of tourist attractions, including the Coptic Museum, the Church of the Virgin Mary, the Ben Ezra Synagogue, and many more. You'll have a deeper understanding of Egyptian culture thanks to these buildings.

    The Coptic Museum in this city houses one of Egypt's best collections of Coptic art and is a source of knowledge on early Christian Egypt. Beautiful examples of Coptic architecture can be found next door at the Hanging Church from the ninth century. The church was initially constructed over the Roman gate towers, hence its name, and underwent a significant rebuilding project in the ninth century.

    The Church of St. Sergius and Bacchus, where local legend has it that the Virgin Mary, Baby Jesus, and family sought refuge during King Herod's killing of male infants, is the main highlight of a trip to this neighborhood for many Christian visitors. You reach the Ben Ezra Synagogue further into the neighborhood, which is claimed to have been constructed close to the location where the newborn Moses was discovered among the reeds. The Amr Ibn al-As Mosque, which was the first mosque constructed in Egypt, is located nearby. The quickest way to get to Coptic Cairo is by riding the Cairo Metro to the Mar Girgis stop.

    Address: 15 Soliman El-Halaby, Oraby, Al Azbakeyah, Cairo, Cairo Governorate 11518

    Phone: +20 101 491 0042

    Rating: unknown
  15. Ancient Heliopolis was the Egyptian town of Yuno, which was one of the earliest towns in Egypt and, from the Old Kingdom onwards, the spiritual hub of the entire nation. This is not to be confused with the Cairo neighborhood of the same name. Only the most passionate amateur archaeologists should visit this site because there are so few remains of the town and the Temple of Re-Harakhty that formerly stood here.

    Over the years, the majority of the stones were used to construct Cairo. The sole remaining structure from the temple is a 20-meter-tall red Aswan granite obelisk. The Necropolis of Heliopolis, from the Middle and New Kingdoms, located about five kilometers east of the obelisk. The abundance of weaponry discovered as burial goods was a prominent characteristic of the Middle Kingdom tombs.

    The so-called Virgin's Tree can be seen in El-Matariya Church, which is 13 kilometers northeast of central Cairo. The Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus, according to local belief, rested under this sycamore during their escape into Egypt. It was planted in 1672 to replace an older tree.

    A spring that is claimed to have been created by the child Jesus waters the small garden where the tree is located. The spring produces excellent fresh water, in contrast to the slightly brackish water from all the other springs nearby. The Virgin's Tree mythology is related to an older cult since the ancient Egyptians revered a tree in Heliopolis where it was thought that Isis nursed the child Horus.

    Location: Cairo, Egypt

    Phone: unknown

    Rating: unknown

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