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Top 10 Best Websites to Practice Coding

Vy Nguyen 13 0 Error

Coding is not a spectator sport. It's great to view tutorials and read code books, but the only way to truly develop your programming skills is to develop your ... read more...

  1. When you first start learning to code, you may be unclear about what to practice first. Working on real-world problems that other coding experts have experienced is beneficial, and Coderbyte provides that. The website is known as the industry’s #1 website for technical interview prep, coding challenges, and expert videos.

    Coderbyte is an online application that allows you to practice and enhance your coding abilities. The website provides a variety of coding challenges and web development courses to help you in preparing for upcoming job interviews. You'll be able to practice your abilities on examples that truly matter with over 300 challenges in front and back-end development, data structures, and algorithms that software professionals have faced in interviews. Coderbyte also covers 16 programming languages and offers a library of over 2 million user-submitted solutions, providing you with lots of good experiences.

    "Overall we had a great experience with Coderbyte and it helped us determine which candidates that we were interviewing for software development roles had the best skills for the job"; "It also allows us to create custom challenges or ask custom questions, be it objective or subjective. Plagiarism detection is the most useful feature as it helps us identify truly honest candidates", the website users' feedback.


    Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash
    Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash
    Photo by Arnold Francisca on Unsplash
    Photo by Arnold Francisca on Unsplash

  2. While it is designed for those with previous coding experience, HackerRank is one of the biggest competitive programming websites available. HackerRank helps you code, create, and collaborate with an IDE built to showcase real-world skills in a real-world environment. With online challenges and leaderboards to see how you score, this coding community can show you how your programming stands up against the competition.

    It's not all a contest, though; HackerRank offers you lots of lessons and explanations to help you improve your abilities — and because it's aimed at helping developers get noticed by major tech organizations, it may help you earn a job. The challenges appeal to people of all skill levels, the lessons help beginners, and the forums are an excellent resource for learning more. It is also an excellent platform for assessing technical expertise, with features such as live coding and the capacity to customize your application process to your organization's specific needs.

    "The challenges are great for every skill level. They manage a diverse set of programming languages"; "I like the different paths it offers for different programming languages. And it also offers free certification on many skills like algorithms and data structures", the website users' feedback.


    Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash
    Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash
    Photo by Clément Hélardot on Unsplash
    Photo by Clément Hélardot on Unsplash
  3. Codewars is a website that offers coding challenges known as kata, which is a Japanese name for a set of martial arts moves that may be done alone or in groups. Codewars, according to the essence of kata, allows you to practice coding through repetition and with other peers.

    It's ideal for software developers who are taking online courses, attending coding boot camps, or participating in other training programs to enhance their learning and put their talents to the test. Aside from practice tasks, you may also share your code with your peers and vice versa. This way, everyone has the opportunity to review one another's work and learn about other approaches to a problem. Users create the challenges, which are ranked from 8 to 1 in accordance with the ky or dan ranking system used in martial arts or the Japanese game "Go". The number shows how close you are to achieving a black belt or mastery. The higher your rank, the lower the number. Around 50 core and beta languages are supported by Codewars. And therefore, by completing coding challenges of varied types and levels, you may practice and enhance your abilities.


    Photo by Danial Igdery on Unsplash
    Photo by Danial Igdery on Unsplash
    Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash
    Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash
  4. CodinGame allows you to develop your coding skills by playing fun games and completing code challenges. This platform allows you to practice your coding in a fun way, including single-round matches and both solo and multiplayer modes.

    CodinGame makes assessing and shortlisting programmers simple and quick. They help recruiters and CTOs reduce hiring costs by challenging developers on real-world challenges. Customers include Nasdaq, Thales, and Ubisoft. CodinGame's challenge-based training platform, which supports an impressive 25+ languages, allows programmers to enhance their coding abilities and recruiters to source, screen, and retain talented developers. CodinGame enables you to deploy gamified technical assessments that are more engaging and fun for users than standard testing. CodinGame boasts upfront pricing and gives free 14-day trials to anybody who signs up.

    The platform is simple to use and currently supports over 60 programming languages and frameworks. The platform also has customizable tests which you can get to choose from a library of questions and games or you can create your own questions. CodinGame allows teams to build coding escape events at any time. These events are excellent for team development and cooperation.


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    Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
    Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash
    Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash
  5. Competition might be the most effective incentive for learning, and CodeChef offers that. This India-based website is one of several that allow users to test their abilities against other coders in challenging contests, offering great coding exercises for beginners.

    CodeChef is a platform and online community where software developers may solve practice challenges to prepare for technical interviews. CodeChef can be broken into two main sections: CodeChef Practice and CodeChef Compete. It has thousands of challenges and user solutions, so you'll never run out of problems to practice on. The challenges, which range in difficulty from basic to advanced, test users' knowledge of algorithms, binary search, array size, and a number of other DSA subjects. To gradually increase the difficulty, coding challenge sites use a ranking system that categorizes from easy to difficult. Each challenge is also labeled with its topic to help in categorizing and searching for different types of difficulties.

    For user submissions, CodeChef supports over 35 languages. Users earn badges as they accomplish tasks, which help them advance in the CodeChef rankings as they move on to more difficult challenges. There are around 3000 practice problems in various difficulty levels in many algorithmic topics. CodeChef makes it simple for users to choose challenges that correspond with specific expertise and ideas.


    Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash
    Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash
    Photo by Parker Byrd on Unsplash
    Photo by Parker Byrd on Unsplash
  6. The Project Euler website has several hundred brainteasers, however, they are not your average brainteasers. Even most adults would struggle with these riddles. The puzzles seem similar to math club problems, but they usually require learners to develop a computer program to find the solution. Users can select a problem to work on and can solve it in whatever way they think is right. Unfortunately, without using a computer program, the difficulties are very hard to tackle.

    After they've chosen a challenge, learners will need a way to write code outside of Project Euler — preferably text-based, such as C++ or Java, though no specific programming language is necessary. Project Euler would be ideal for an AP Computer Science class or another advanced learning environment. Learners must be familiar with text-based programming to the point that they can write their own programs. Learners might work independently or in groups to solve these issues. The teacher might give one problem to everyone or enable students to skip around and choose their own problems. It may, however, be advantageous to have all learners work on the same problem at the same time. After finishing, learners can compare the programs they used to solve the problem.


    Photo by Desola Lanre-Ologun on Unsplash
    Photo by Desola Lanre-Ologun on Unsplash
    Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash
    Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash
  7. Topcoder is the world's largest technological network and on-demand digital talent platform, serving over 1.6 million developers, designers, data scientists, and testers globally. Topcoder enables companies like Adobe, BT, Comcast, Google, Harvard, Land O'Lakes, Microsoft, NASA, SpaceNet, T-Mobile, US Department of Energy, Zurich Insurance, and others to accelerate innovation, solve difficult business problems, and tap into hard-to-find technology skills.

    TopCoder is a well-known platform with a close-knit community of expert programmers and developers. On the learning side, they feature a variety of weekly challenges and explanations, as well as difficult competitions to help you rise to the coding occasion. Competitive programming is a mind sport for solving coding problems using algorithms and data structure. The participants must write code while adhering to numerous constraints such as memory limitations, execution time, coding limits, space, and so on. The winner of competitive programming is determined based on the number of problems solved and the amount of time spent writing successful programming solutions. Coders who show their skill may earn money as freelancers solving pieces of digital projects for companies as elite as Harvard and NASA — and can even become project managers known as Copilots.


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    Photo by Firza Pratama on Unsplash
    Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash
    Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash
  8. Top 8


    SPOJ, which stands for Sphere Online Judge, is one of the most comprehensive coding libraries available. This website includes over 20,000 coding challenges and sometimes offers incentives such as gift cards and prizes to winners. Although not every official coding solution is put on the forum, their discussion boards are a great place to discover new coding skills.

    The SPOJ platform is built on an online judge system that automatically evaluates user-submitted programs. Support for over 45 programming languages and compilers, including C, C++, Pascal, JAVA, C#, Perl, Python, Ruby, Haskell, Ocaml, and esoteric languages, is one of its most notable features. A rapidly growing problem-set of over 13000 tasks available for practice 24 hours a day (in English, Polish, Vietnamese, Portuguese, and other languages), including many original tasks prepared by the project's community of professional problem-setters.

    It is also a user-friendly browser-based content management system that allows people to set up their own contests in minutes and use the tasks currently offered by the system. A flexible testing system that allows for dynamic interaction with submitted programs and fully customizable assessment result output.


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    Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash
    Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪ on Unsplash
    Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪ on Unsplash
  9. Although it is intended for people with some programming knowledge, LeetCode is an excellent resource for developers looking to prepare for interviews or gain attention from top tech companies. It’s even used by top companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Amazon to gauge the talent of their interviewees.

    This platform has over 2,000 projects in 14 programming languages and offers weekly and monthly challenges for everything from algorithms and system design to database and functional programming. They also collaborate with companies to provide assessment and training tools to help programmers develop, as well as interview preparation tools to help top candidates get jobs. LeetCode offers a variety of services such as practice interviews, contests, and, most significantly, coding problems.

    LeetCode now hosts over 2,500 interview questions and is constantly adding new problems. LeetCode has grown in popularity to the level that companies use it to source interview questions. That's right, if you practice on LeetCode, you'll be significantly more likely to see those exact questions in your interview. LeetCode includes a simple in-browser code editor. There is no need for a development environment; simply write your code and execute it.


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    Photo by Mindspace Studio on Unsplash
    Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash
    Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash
  10. Geektastic's human-reviewed technical assessments enable businesses to create code challenges for talent acquisition and engineering team training. If you have coding skills, you can join Geektastic's reviewer community to create and test challenges – and be paid to assess candidates' performance.

    Java, Python, and PHP coding tasks are available. Geektastic also provides Java, Javascript, and basic coding skill assessments. The platform has a library of code challenges across all major programming languages, dev ops and data engineering. Geektastic’s range of code challenges allows you to assess all the most important skills that relate to coding. The users love this platform because it provides a full and fair assessment of their skills and gives real feedback that will be helpful for them.

    Geektastic features a number of resources for programmers of all skill levels, including detailed solutions to their multiple-choice and peer-reviewed coding problems. In addition to their interactive challenges and contests, high-ranking programmers may be invited to join the review team. Members of this team are compensated for reviewing coding submissions for clients who are looking for a solution to their own coding projects.


    Photo by Emile Perron on Unsplash
    Photo by Emile Perron on Unsplash
    Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash
    Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash

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