Top 5 Health Benefits of Eating Mussels

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There are many other types of mussels, both freshwater, and saltwater, but the blue mussel is the most likely to end up on your plate. These animals, often ... read more...

  1. Mussels are nutritionally rich. One three-ounce serving of steamed blue mussels contains:

    • Vitamin B12: 24 mcg (1000% DV)
    • Riboflavin (B2): 0.42 mg (32% DV)
    • Thiamin (B1): 0.30 mg (25% DV)
    • Folate: 76 mcg (19% DV)
    • Niacin (B3): 3.0 mg (19% DV)
    • Pantothenic acid (B5): 0.95 mg (19% DV)
    • Vitamin C: 13.60 mg (15% DV)
    • Choline: 65 mg (12% DV)
    • Vitamin A: 91 mcg RAE (10% DV)
    • Vitamin E: 1.10 mg (7% DV)
    • Vitamin B6: 0.10 mg (6% DV)

    Mussels, as demonstrated, are a good source of vitamin B12 and other B vitamins. B vitamins, particularly B12, play an important role in energy synthesis, red blood cell formation, and immunological and cognitive function. Furthermore, mussels are an uncommon animal-based source of vitamin C, a vital vitamin with antioxidant properties.

    High in Vitamins
    High in Vitamins
    High in Vitamins
    High in Vitamins

  2. Oily fish is the finest source of omega-3 in the diet. However, a variety of seafood sources include these necessary fatty acids. Mussels contain about one gram of omega-3 per 100 grams, making them a relatively high source. Furthermore, this omega-3 is composed of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (EPA). DHA and EPA are both linked to a slew of health advantages, and they consistently raise omega-3 levels in the blood.

    Alpha-linolenic acid is a plant source of omega-3 (ALA). They are, however, less bioavailable and must first be converted into DHA and ALA. Because ALA conversion to DHA/EPA is relatively limited, DHA and EPA are the most dependable and bioavailable omega-3 forms. A greater omega-3 index (omega-3 blood levels) is closely linked to better cardiovascular health and a decreased risk of unfavorable cardiovascular events.

    Provide DHA/EPA Omega-3
    Provide DHA/EPA Omega-3
    Provide DHA/EPA Omega-3
    Provide DHA/EPA Omega-3
  3. Protein is important for numerous cellular processes in your body, including structural support to preserve form, cellular communication, and general health. Eating protein permits the body to absorb amino acids, which are the nutritional building blocks that allow your body to produce protein. A single cup of mussels has about 18 grams of protein. That is almost 30% of the typical person's daily intake.

    The same anti-inflammatory characteristics that aid with asthma also help with arthritic joint inflammation, especially in the treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. According to research, inhabitants of New Zealand's Maori coast who ate green-lipped mussels had decreased rates of arthritis.

    Promote Healthy Cellular Function and Reduce Arthritis
    Promote Healthy Cellular Function and Reduce Arthritis
    Promote Healthy Cellular Function and Reduce Arthritis
    Promote Healthy Cellular Function and Reduce Arthritis
  4. Mussels are an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to the brain. These bivalves are high in DHA and vitamin B-12, two critical nutrients that safeguard your brain health and memory as you age, as well as certain uncommon trace minerals required for a healthy brain. A 3-ounce meal of mussels contains the equivalent of 3-5 fish oil supplement tablets in DHA. DHA, the only omega-3 that is carried into the brain, has been demonstrated in studies to considerably lower the rate of brain shrinkage with age.

    They promote healthy circulation to critical organs and muscles by fortifying artery walls and increasing blood flow. Consume mussels to maintain a healthy circulatory system.

    Improve Brain Health and Aid in Circulation
    Improve Brain Health and Aid in Circulation
    Improve Brain Health and Aid in Circulation
    Improve Brain Health and Aid in Circulation
  5. A single 3-ounce meal of mussels contains 340 percent of the recommended daily dose of vitamin B-12, an incredible amount! This B vitamin is so important for brain function that even a moderate deficit can cause symptoms including poor attention, memory lapses, depression, and hazy thinking.

    According to the American Heart Association, mussels provide cardioprotective advantages due to their high quantities of omega-3 fatty acids. These unsaturated fats have properties that reduce the chance of having irregular heartbeats. They do, however, minimize cholesterol accumulation, lowering the risk of heart disease and heart stroke. Mussels, and specifically green muscles, contain mucopolysaccharides that aid in maintaining a smooth complexion and skin elasticity which preserve the appearance of youth. These mucopolysaccharides are found in abundance in youth and make up our hair, skin, and nails.

    Promote Heart Health and Improve Mood
    Promote Heart Health and Improve Mood
    Promote Heart Health and Improve Mood
    Promote Heart Health and Improve Mood

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