Promote Healthy Cellular Function and Reduce Arthritis

Protein is important for numerous cellular processes in your body, including structural support to preserve form, cellular communication, and general health. Eating protein permits the body to absorb amino acids, which are the nutritional building blocks that allow your body to produce protein. A single cup of mussels has about 18 grams of protein. That is almost 30% of the typical person's daily intake.

The same anti-inflammatory characteristics that aid with asthma also help with arthritic joint inflammation, especially in the treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. According to research, inhabitants of New Zealand's Maori coast who ate green-lipped mussels had decreased rates of arthritis.

Promote Healthy Cellular Function and Reduce Arthritis
Promote Healthy Cellular Function and Reduce Arthritis
Promote Healthy Cellular Function and Reduce Arthritis
Promote Healthy Cellular Function and Reduce Arthritis

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