Promote Heart Health and Improve Mood

A single 3-ounce meal of mussels contains 340 percent of the recommended daily dose of vitamin B-12, an incredible amount! This B vitamin is so important for brain function that even a moderate deficit can cause symptoms including poor attention, memory lapses, depression, and hazy thinking.

According to the American Heart Association, mussels provide cardioprotective advantages due to their high quantities of omega-3 fatty acids. These unsaturated fats have properties that reduce the chance of having irregular heartbeats. They do, however, minimize cholesterol accumulation, lowering the risk of heart disease and heart stroke. Mussels, and specifically green muscles, contain mucopolysaccharides that aid in maintaining a smooth complexion and skin elasticity which preserve the appearance of youth. These mucopolysaccharides are found in abundance in youth and make up our hair, skin, and nails.

Promote Heart Health and Improve Mood
Promote Heart Health and Improve Mood
Promote Heart Health and Improve Mood
Promote Heart Health and Improve Mood

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