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Top 5 Health Benefits of Lucuma Powder

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Lucuma is the fruit of the South American tree Pouteria lucuma. It has a firm, green outer shell and soft, yellow flesh with a dry texture and sweet flavor ... read more...

  1. Lucuma can be eaten raw but is most commonly found in a dried, powdered supplement form that’s often used as a natural sweetener. One tablespoon (7.5 grams) of lucuma powder provides:

    • Calories: 30
    • Protein: 0 grams
    • Fat: 0 grams
    • Carbs: 6 grams
    • Sugars: 1.5 grams
    • Fiber: 2 grams

    Lucuma has fewer calories but more nutrients than table sugar. It has around half the carbohydrates and 75% less sugar than the same quantity of table sugar. Unlike most other conventional sweeteners, such as table sugar, lucuma powder has a considerable quantity of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber bulks up your stool and helps food travel easily through your stomach, preventing constipation. Soluble fiber feeds healthy gut bacteria, which create short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such as acetate, propionate, and butyrate. Cells in your intestines then utilize them as nourishment, keeping them healthy.

    These short-chain fats also help to reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms of digestive illnesses such as IBS, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis. One tablespoon (7.5 grams) of lucuma powder also contains calcium, iron, potassium, niacin, and vitamin C, however, the levels are often less than 1% of the Daily Value (DV). Nonetheless, it is more nutritional than other common sweeteners.

    More nutritious than most sweeteners
    More nutritious than most sweeteners
    More nutritious than most sweeteners
    More nutritious than most sweeteners

  2. Lucuma has a number of antioxidants, which are potent substances that protect your cells from harm produced by extremely reactive molecules known as free radicals. Consuming an antioxidant-rich diet may help protect against health issues such as heart disease and some malignancies. According to studies, lucuma is notably high in polyphenols and carotenoids, two antioxidant groups recognized for their anti-inflammatory, cancer-fighting, and heart-health-promoting qualities.

    It's notably high in xanthophylls, the carotenoids that give lucuma its yellow color, and are known to benefit eye health and eyesight. Lucuma is also high in vitamin C, an antioxidant-rich substance that plays several key roles in your body, including supporting eyesight, a healthy immune system, and heart health. Furthermore, the polyphenols in lucuma are expected to provide significant protection against chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. However, research on the precise types of antioxidants found in lucuma is limited, and additional study is needed to fully grasp the fruit's potential antioxidant effects.

    Contains a variety of antioxidants
    Contains a variety of antioxidants
    Contains a variety of antioxidants
    Contains a variety of antioxidants
  3. Despite being rich in carbs, lucuma may offer some protection against type 2 diabetes. Simple carbohydrates are sugars, whereas complex carbs include starches and fiber. Complex carbohydrates, such as the starches and fiber found in lucuma, have been demonstrated to promote balanced blood sugar levels. Furthermore, lucuma's soluble fiber may protect against diabetes by enhancing insulin sensitivity and decreasing blood sugar after a meal or snack. Furthermore, research in test tubes suggests that the blood-sugar-lowering processes of lucuma may be identical to those of certain diabetes medications.

    It inhibits the alpha-glucosidase enzyme, which is responsible for breaking down complex carbohydrates into simple sugars that increase blood sugar levels. Lucuma is frequently stated to have a low glycemic index (GI), which indicates that it raises blood sugar levels significantly less than other sweeteners such as pure sugar. If this is accurate, it would be yet another reason why lucuma may help with blood sugar control. However, no research has been conducted to substantiate lucuma's low GI score. It's probably preferable to eat it in moderation, like with any sweeteners. Overall, an additional study on the possible benefits of lucuma on blood sugar regulation is required.

    May benefit blood sugar control
    May benefit blood sugar control
    May benefit blood sugar control
    May benefit blood sugar control
  4. Lucuma may provide some protection against heart disease, owing to its high polyphenol content. Polyphenols are plant chemicals that are considered to protect against hypertension and heart disease. According to one test-tube investigation, lucuma may inhibit the function of the angiotensin I-converting enzyme, which is important in blood pressure regulation.

    As a result, lucuma may aid in the reduction of blood pressure. Though preliminary findings are encouraging, additional study is needed to establish these heart health advantages in individuals. Polyphenols in lucuma are heart-healthy. Its capacity to function as an ACE inhibitor may help to improve heart health by decreasing blood pressure.

    May promote heart health
    May promote heart health
    May promote heart health
    May promote heart health
  5. In pies, cakes, and other pastries or baked products, lucuma powder can be used in place of sugar. The texture of lucuma is similar to that of granulated sugar, but its flavor is more akin to that of brown sugar. Brown sugar can be substituted for lucuma in a 1:1 volume ratio. For example, 1 cup (120 grams) of lucuma equals 1/2 cup (200 grams) of brown sugar.

    However, you may need to experiment a little because it may not work for all recipes. Lucuma is frequently used as a flavor in ice cream and other sweets. It may also be used in yogurt, cereal, smoothies, and homemade nut milk to provide a natural sweetness that adults and children will enjoy.

    Can be used for baking or desserts
    Can be used for baking or desserts
    Can be used for baking or desserts
    Can be used for baking or desserts

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