Top 5 Most Beautiful Caves in Malaysia

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Malaysia is a vast convergence of cultures, activities, races and food but there’s something else about this humble Southeast Asian nation that many might not ... read more...

  1. Gua Tempurung tops the list of the most beautiful caves in Malaysia. Gua Tempurung, located 25 kilometers south of Ipoh near Gopeng, is Peninsula Malaysia's largest cave and offers plenty to offer serious cavers, adventure seekers, and casual visitors alike. Gua Tempurung offers a choice of trips with varying degrees of difficulty. Attempt a tough route via the cave's dark lower levels, or take the easier upper-level route with platforms and bridges.

    In any case, Gua Tempurung is a fantastic project with fascinating rock structures and meticulous workmanship. In order to promote safety and comfort, the show cave has been outfitted with electric lighting and walkways. Visitors can admire exquisite stalactites in three enormous chambers, and a fine "cave river" travels along a 1.6-kilometer channel through the hill. The cave also has quantities of tin, marble, and other minerals in addition to limestone. Over the last century, there has been some small-scale tin mining in the cave. The cave was used as a hideout by communist guerrillas during the Malayan Emergency (1948-1960), and some of their graffiti can still be seen on the walls.

    Location: Pusat Pelancongan Gua Tempurung,, 31600 Gopeng, Perak, Malaysia

  2. Batu Caves ranked 2nd in the list of the most beautiful caves in Malaysia. This cave is located in Gombak, Selangor, right in the heart of the bustling town. This magnificent edifice, which serves as a holy landmark, is where Hindus gather to worship. Tourists and visitors can be seen roaming the vast cave and resting at its openings. If you go to this location, remember that it is a sacred site for Hindus and should be treated with respect. The Batu Caves are home to Sri Subramaniam Temple, one of the world's most famous Hindu temples, as well as a massive, golden statue that towers near the cave's entrance.

    The Batu Caves also comprise the Dark Cave (one of the main caves), which has been a wildlife haven for over 100 million years. Inside, you'll find the world's rarest spider: the Trapdoor spider (Liphistius batuensis). Arachnophobes should be cautious. Stalactites, stalagmites, flowstones, cave pearls, and cave curtains are among the many spectacular cave formations found in the Dark Cave.

    Location: Gombak, Selangor
  3. Perak Cave Temple is a Buddhist temple located atop the limestone hill of Gunung Tasek. It is known for its beautiful architecture and features a 40-foot-tall sitting golden Buddha statue with four goddess-like guardian deities. The 358-step staircase, surrounded by pavilions and gazebos, is an attractive element of the Perak Cave Temple. The view from the top is breathtaking. A two-story pavilion can be reached by another flight of 400 steps. The murals show events and characters from Chinese mythology and Buddhist scriptures on the walls.

    The Perak Cave is about a 6-kilometer drive north of Ipoh along Jalan Kuala Kangsar. It also serves as a religious site, as the Perak Tong Cave Temple is located nearby. It is well-known for its vibrant murals and Chinese calligraphy by Chong Yin Chat that cover the walls. This fascinating attraction also includes various portrayals of people and events from Chinese mythology and Buddhist scripture.

    Location: north of Ipoh along Jalan Kuala Kangsar
  4. Gua Nasib Bagus ranks 4th on the list of the most beautiful caves in Malaysia. The name of this cave directly translates to "Good Luck Cave" in English. It is found in Sarawak's Gunung Mulu National Park and houses the world's largest natural underground chamber. Gunung Mulu National Park is only accessible by plane, and there is a RM10 per person entrance fee.

    Gua Nasib Bagus' huge underground chamber, known as Lubang Nasib Bagus (or the Sarawak Chamber), is more than 600 meters long, 400 meters broad, and 100 meters high. It is so massive that it is said to be capable of holding up to ten jumbo jets nose-to-tail within its walls and 60-meter-high roof. A cave stream can also be found for a quick, refreshing splash in the clear waters of this incredible natural structure.

    Location: Sarawak
  5. Deer Cave ranks last on the list of the most beautiful caves in Malaysia. A three-kilometer plankwalk leads to Deer Cave, passing through peat swamps, alluvial flats, and limestone outcrops. On the journey to the cave, there's a lot to see, including some beautiful rainforest, jungle streams, and an ancient Penan burial cave. When you arrive at the cave entrance, there is no mistake that you are about to enter the world's largest cave passage. Deer Cave is massive, measuring slightly over 2 kilometers in length and never falling below 90 meters in height or width. The main chamber is 174 meters wide and 122 meters high, and it is partially lighted by sunlight. The indigenous Penan and Berawan people named the Gua Payau or Gua Rusa after the region where deer used to hide (Deer Cave).

    A route enters the cave and winds its way around it, following the cave's natural contours. Despite the fact that the passage is lit, a flashlight is useful for inspecting the guano-covered cave floor and its bug population. The route finally leads to the "Garden of Eden," where a hole in the cave roof enables a shaft of light to shine through, allowing the lush green vegetation to flourish. The renowned profile of Abraham Lincoln, which guards the cave's southern entrance, is another landmark.

    Location: Borneo, Malaysia

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