If you want to travel off the beaten path, Papua New Guinea provides raw and unspoiled beauty far far from Western society. The beaches have been left alone by ...
When it comes to human habitation, Papua has a lengthy history. However, in the view of the modern world, it is still a relatively new nation. Because of PNG's ...
Papua New Guinea is a country with a distinct cultural background. There are 600 tribes in the South Pacific nation, each with its own traditions and customs ...
Pauan coastline is undisputedly one of the most pristine parts of our planet. Both, the mainland and offshore islands present absorbing sceneries, not only on ...
New Guinea contains a number of mountain ranges with impressive peaks. Many of New Guinea's largest mountains have been inadequately surveyed, and some are ...
Papua New Guinea is an exotic island country off the North coast of Australia. Sharing the island of New Guinea with Indonesia and also consisting of a number ...
Have you ever wondered what to eat in Papua New Guinea? You will have a difficult time choose because there is a wide range of local and international food to ...
Papua New Guinea is an island nation in Oceania on the Pacific coast. Like other countries, Papua New Guinea also has lots of outstanding people who have ...
The territory of Papua New Guinea is mainly mountainous and covered with tropical rainforests, as well as very large areas of wet land surrounding the Sepik ...
As one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world, Papua New Guinea is the least explored not only culturally but geographically. Many caves in this ...