3-gatsu no Lion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pMLMCnQmjI also known as March Comes In Like a Lion, is an anime series that has gained a strong following since its first airing in 2016. The story revolves around Rei, a shogi prodigy who struggles with social anxiety, depression, and loneliness. He meets the Kawamoto family, who run a traditional Japanese pastry shop, and they help him overcome his personal challenges. The series explores themes of socialization, triumphs and failures, and the impact of past traumas on one's life.
One of the standout aspects of 3-gatsu no Lion is its exceptional storytelling. The first episode, in particular, is praised for its ability to establish Rei's character and set the tone for the series. The show seamlessly balances its dark and light tones, allowing for both comedy and drama to flow naturally.
The drama in 3-gatsu no Lion is well-crafted and plays a significant role in character development. It delves into the motivations and ideals of the characters, going beyond the surface level of a shogi sports anime. The series also explores themes of bullying, sacrifice, and coming of age, providing a rich and engaging narrative.
The characters in 3-gatsu no Lion are realistic and relatable. Rei's character development is particularly noteworthy, as he evolves from a socially isolated individual to someone who actively helps others. The supporting characters, such as Hinata from the Kawamoto family, also undergo significant growth throughout the series.
- Release Date: October 8, 2016
- Directors: Akiyuki Shinbo, Kenjirou Okada
- Writer: Chica Umino
- Production Company: Shaft
- Genres: Animation, Comedy, Drama, Romance
- Episodes: 22
- Duration: 25 minutes per episode
- Watch Here: https://ww2.9animes.org/watch/3-gatsu-no-lion