A Silent Voice
''A Silent Voice'' is a Japanese animated film and manga series by Yoshitoki Ōima. The film, released in 2016, was directed by Naoko Yamada and produced by Kyoto Animation. The movie is a genuine tearjerker. It depicts the consequences of bullying. Shoya Ishida and Shoko Nishimura met as children, when Shoya brutally teased Shoko about her deafness. When the two rejoin as teens, Shoko forgives Shoya and the two establish a romance.
Their relationship shows the difference people can make throughout their lives. Shoya was vicious as a child, but as he has grown older, he recognizes the sorrow he has caused Shoko. Shoko ends up relying on Shoya to help her see that life is still worth living as she comes to terms with the realities of her condition.
"A Silent Voice" skillfully navigates the complexities of its characters' emotions, delving into themes of remorse, forgiveness, and the quest for redemption. The movie's tragic scenes vividly depict the depths of both human cruelty and kindness, leaving a lasting impression on its audience. It sheds light on the dark consequences of bullying while also offering a glimmer of hope and the possibility of healing.
- Release Date: September 17, 2016
- Director: Naoko Yamada
- Writers: Yoshitoki Ôima, Reiko Yoshida, Kiyoshi Shigematsu
- Production Company: Kyoto Animation
- Genres: Animation, Drama
- Running Time: 130 minutes
- Watch Here: https://9anime.se/watch/a-silent-voice-11