Sweetness and Lightning
Sweetness and Lightning is a realistic anime series that focuses on the themes of friendship and family rather than romance. The story revolves around a young father who becomes a single parent after the loss of his wife, he made the decision to raise his daughter on his own. He gave his kid ready-made meals because he couldn't cook, but he decided to start learning how to cook from his colleague for his daughter.
This heartwarming family anime depicts the challenges and struggles of being a single parent while also incorporating the element of delicious food that will make your mouth water. Sweetness and Lightning is an excellent choice for those seeking a realistic anime series that not only touches the heart but also satisfies the senses.
In essence, although Sweetness and Lightning may appear to be a light-hearted and fluffy show, its endearing qualities do not overshadow its core depictions of childhood and parenthood. While this approach may not resonate with everyone's preferences, Sweetness and Lightning successfully demonstrates how even in idealized settings, authentic portrayals of people and life can be achieved.
- Release Date: July 4, 2016
- Director: Tarou Iwasaki
- Writers: Mitsutaka Hirota
- Production Company: TMS/3xCube
- Genres: Animation, Comedy, Drama
- Episodes: 12
- Duration: 24 mins. per ep.
- Watch Here: https://9animetv.to/watch/sweetness-lightning-1451?ep=20319