A Will Eternal
“A Will Eternal” is a captivating tale that revolves around the life of Bai Xiaochun, a young man who is both endearing and exasperating. His primary motivation is his fear of death and his desire to live forever. Despite this, he deeply values friendship and family.
The story is set in a world where willpower can create oceans, summon mulberry fields, and even slaughter countless devils. Bai Xiaochun’s journey is driven by his singular will… a will that is eternal. This narrative explores themes of action, comedy, and fantasy, with historical and martial arts elements. It has been adapted into an animated series that aired from August 2020 to July 2021.
Bai Xiaochun’s character development is praised as being amazing; his actions in the early part of the show perfectly complement the development of his strength and character. The animation and design of the fight scenes, especially during the second half of the season, are some of the best. In summary, “A Will Eternal” presents an intriguing exploration of immortality, friendship, family, and the power of will.
- Released date: Aug 12, 2020
- Developed by: Tencent Penguin Pictures
- Number of seasons: 3
- Number of episodes: 52
- Watch here: https://ww1.9animes.org/watch/yi-nian-yong-heng