The Demon is King
"The Demon is King," the enthralling Chinese animated series, known as "妖者为王" (Yāo Zhě Wéi Wáng), unfolds its captivating narrative over 60 ongoing episodes. At its core, the tale revolves around the courageous young protagonist, Xiao Lang, who embarks on an exhilarating odyssey to rescue his beloved aunt and confront the formidable Huofeng in the grand arena of martial arts.
As the saga unfurls, Xiao Lang's life unfolds before our eyes, each chapter illuminating the latent potential within him. Within the dynamic blend of fantasy and martial arts, the series masterfully weaves a tapestry of adventure, growth, and self-discovery. It's a thrilling journey where Xiao Lang's mettle is tested, and he unearths his true essence, evolving into a formidable force destined to challenge the very notion of who, or what, the true king of demons may be.
- Release date: January 11, 2023
- Developed by: N/a
- Number of seasons: 2
- Number of episodes: 60
- Watch here: