The Legend of Sword Domain
"The Legend of Sword Domain," also known as "Jian Yu Feng Yun," is a captivating Chinese animated series comprising 40 ongoing episodes. Set in the mystical ancient sword domain continent, where ten Excalibur and five powerful families reign, the story follows Lu Yang, a descendant of the esteemed Lu family. His destiny takes a profound turn when he awakens the sacred "Peach God Sword" in the face of danger.
Driven by a relentless thirst for justice and the quest for truth surrounding his mother's fate, Lu Yang embarks on a rigorous cultivation journey. This epic unfolds within the genres of action, adventure, and fantasy, weaving a mesmerizing tapestry of valor, mystery, and supernatural power. Each episode, lasting approximately 10 minutes, packs a thrilling punch, making "The Legend of Sword Domain" a must-watch for fans of high-octane storytelling and fantastical realms.
- Release date: February 1, 2023
- Developed by: Youku Animation
- Number of seasons: 2
- Number of episodes: 40
- Watch here: