Add more starch and fat from plants
Usually, people tend to add starch from plants: rice from plants, flour from plants, and oats also from plants. However, it is important that people are targeting vegetarians. Therefore, the amount of starch intake often has to be more nutritious than usual to compensate for animal nutritional deficiencies from meat, fish, etc.
Here, there are mentions of some slow-absorbing starch sources such as brown rice, whole grains, and rye,... These are starch sources that you should use if you can. Because they are good sources of starch and they will reduce the possibility of causing too many calories to make you fat and lose muscle uncontrollably. Fat is an important part of muscle gain. Usually, people will talk about good fats like those from fish. However, there will be vegetarians and they cannot eat fish. There are some pretty ideal fat sources that you can easily find. You should prioritize fats from grains, fats from plants like avocados, nuts, and oils like coconut oil, olive oil, etc.