Add veggies to sauces, oatmeal, smoothies, muffins, meatballs, and more

Vegetables may be easily incorporated into dishes, often in indirect ways, which is one of their best qualities. There are countless opportunities to include vegetables in meals.

By mixing them with other ingredients, vegetables can be concealed in sauces and dips. Make green mac and cheese, vegetable tomato sauce, or caramelized onion dip, as examples. Beets and carrots can be used to make vegetable-rich applesauce, almost any vegetable can be used to make smoothies, and blended fruit and vegetable popsicles can all be made. Another way to boost your toddler's vegetable consumption is to mix riced cauliflower or shredded zucchini into oatmeal. Make pancakes, waffles, or muffins with spinach, shredded zucchini, shredded carrots, mashed sweet potatoes, shredded beets, and pureed pumpkin or squash.

Add veggies to sauces, oatmeal, smoothies, muffins, meatballs, and more
Add veggies to sauces, oatmeal, smoothies, muffins, meatballs, and more
Add veggies to sauces, oatmeal, smoothies, muffins, meatballs, and more
Add veggies to sauces, oatmeal, smoothies, muffins, meatballs, and more

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