Use foods they like as vehicles for vegetables

Try to include a fruit and vegetable at every meal. When given as a side dish by themselves, veggies may take some kids a while to warm up to them. In these situations, adding vegetables to meals kids already like can be beneficial.

If your child enjoys scrambled eggs, mac & cheese, or tacos, for instance, consider adding chopped or shredded vegetables to these foods. Add some zucchini noodles to the dish for spaghetti lovers. Offer cooked carrots, peas, sliced peppers, mushrooms, or other vegetables when preparing pizza or toast as your toddler becomes older and is able to be more active in their meal preparation. Ask them to add their preferred vegetables to the top to make a smiley face.

Use foods they like as vehicles for vegetables
Use foods they like as vehicles for vegetables
Use foods they like as vehicles for vegetables
Use foods they like as vehicles for vegetables

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