Aids weight loss by limiting calorie intake and boosting metabolism
Many dieters pick up fasting as a way to lose weight quickly and easily. Abstaining from all or certain foods and beverages should theoretically reduce your overall calorie consumption, resulting in greater weight loss over time.
Short-term fasting has also been shown to boost metabolism by increasing levels of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which may help with weight loss. Over the course of 12–24 weeks, one study found that whole-day fasting might reduce body weight by up to 9% and considerably reduce body fat. Another study found that intermittent fasting for 3–12 weeks was as successful as continuous calorie restriction in terms of weight reduction, with body weight and fat mass dropping by up to 8% and 16%, respectively. Fasting was also found to be more effective than calorie restriction in increasing fat reduction while preserving muscle tissue undamaged.