Ak-Buura River

In Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, there is Ak-Buura River (Kyrgyz: к-уурa). It runs through the city of Osh before emptying into the Shahrixonsoy, one of the Fergana Valley's canals. The river originates on the Alai Mountains' north slopes.

The Ak-Buura River is 148 kilometers (92 miles) long, with a 2,530-square-kilometer watershed (980 sq mi). The river's long-term average discharge at Tölöykön gauging post.

The Ak-Buura River has fast flowing water and many bushes and small trees on both sides. Along the riverbank is a pebble beach with countless shapes and colors. The river has a rather shallow section but also a rather deep section, so visitors need to have a guide with them or pay attention to it because it is easy to slip due to pebbles along the riverside.

If you take a boat in the deep water, you can see the houses along the two banks of the river. Visitors are very hospitable and you can ask for food if you want.

Length: 148 km


Top 10 Longest Rivers in Kyrgyzstan

  1. top 1 Naryn River
  2. top 2 Talas River
  3. top 3 Chu River
  4. top 4 Kara Darya River
  5. top 5 Sary Jaz River
  6. top 6 Chatkal River
  7. top 7 Kyzyl Suu River
  8. top 8 Keke Meren River
  9. top 9 Ak-Buura River
  10. top 10 At-Bashy River

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