Kara Darya River

The Kara Darya River is a large river in southern Kyrgyzstan and eastern Uzbekistan. It is one of the two parent rivers for the Syr Darya (Central Asia's second biggest river), the other being the Naryn. The confluence of the rivers Kara-Kulja and Tar forms the Kara Darya. It is 177 kilometers long (110 miles) and has a watershed area of 30,100 square kilometers (11,600 sq mi).

The upper Kara Darya River runs northwest through eastern Osh, parallel to the Fergana Range and southwest of it. A few kilometers west of zgön, it reaches the Fergana Valley and Uzbek territory. It is utilized for irrigation in its lower course in the Fergana Valley.

Part of the water from a dam at Kuyganyor (north of Andijan) is diverted into the Great Fergana Canal. The Andijan Reservoir was produced by the Andijan Dam, which was completed in 1973. The Kara Darya has about 200 recognized tributaries, the greatest of which are, from source to mouth. This river is one of longest Rivers in Kyrgyzstan.

Length: 189 km


Top 10 Longest Rivers in Kyrgyzstan

  1. top 1 Naryn River
  2. top 2 Talas River
  3. top 3 Chu River
  4. top 4 Kara Darya River
  5. top 5 Sary Jaz River
  6. top 6 Chatkal River
  7. top 7 Kyzyl Suu River
  8. top 8 Keke Meren River
  9. top 9 Ak-Buura River
  10. top 10 At-Bashy River

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