Akame Ga Kill
Akame Ga Kill is a dark fantasy anime film about a group of assassins fighting against a corrupt empire. The film is based on Takahiro and Tetsuya Tashiro's manga series of the same name. Tomoki Kobayashi directed the film, which has a stellar voice cast of both Japanese and English actors.
The film's animation is fantastic, with fluid movements, detailed backgrounds, and vivid colors. The film's soundtrack is also impressive, with a mix of orchestral, rock, and electronic music that matches the mood and tone of each scene. The film's dubbing is also well done, with the English actors delivering convincing and emotional performances that capture the essence of their characters.
Overall, Akame Ga Kill is an exciting and violent anime picture that will have you riveted to your seat. The picture is not suitable for all audiences due to extreme violence, carnage, and sadness.
Directed by: Tomoki Kobayashi
Released: from July 7 to December 15, 2014
Genre: Action, Dark Fantasy
Link to watch: https://www.netflix.com/kr-en/title/80052714