Assassination Classroom
Assassination Classroom is an anime film based on Yusei Matsui's manga series of the same name. It tells the narrative of a group of misfits tasked with assassinating their teacher, who happens to be a powerful alien that has threatened to destroy Earth. The film is a follow-up to the two-season anime series that aired between 2015 and 2016.
The film is a thrilling and hilarious ride that combines action, comedy, drama, and mystery. The animation is crisp and colorful, and the voice acting is superb, especially in the dubbed version. The film does a great job of wrapping up the story of the manga and the anime series, while also providing some new twists and surprises. The film also explores the themes of friendship, loyalty, courage, and redemption, as the students face their final challenge and learn more about their teacher's past.
The film will make you laugh, cry, and cheer for the characters as they grow and overcome obstacles. The film is a storytelling masterpiece that will both satisfy and move you.
Directed by: Seiji Kishi
Released: from January 9, 2015, to June 19, 2015
Genre: Action, Comedy, Science Fiction
Link to watch: