One-Punch Man
One-Punch Man is an animated film that follows the adventures of Saitama, a superhero who can defeat any opponent with a single punch. The film is based on ONE and Yusuke Murata's manga series of the same name, and it boasts gorgeous animation, humorous dialogue, and epic combat.
The film frequently parodies and subverts superhero and shonen genre conventions, including over-the-top transformations, dramatic monologues, and exaggerated reactions. Saitama is an interesting protagonist who is bored with his own power and is looking for a worthy opponent. He is also indifferent to his own celebrity and prominence, and he is frequently irritated by the antics of other heroes and villains.
Fans of action and comedy anime should not miss One-Punch Man. It's one of the best action dubbed anime out there, with outstanding voice acting.
Directed by: Shingo Natsume
Released: since October 5, 2015
Genre: Action, Comedy, Superhero
Link to watch: