The Ambulante or Ambulante Documentary Film Festival, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and supporting documentary films as a weapon for social and cultural change. Ambulante, which was founded in 2005 by actors Gael Garca Bernal, Diego Luna, and Elena Fortes and is now directed by Paulina Suárez, aims to strengthen documentary film culture in Mexico and Central America in order to contribute to a more open and critical society and to facilitate access to diverse perspectives from around the world.
Ambulante, for example, identifies and goes to locations with limited exhibition offerings and documentary film training in order to encourage cultural interaction, a participative, critical, and educated viewer attitude, and establish new channels of reflection in Mexico.
The Ambulante Documentary Film Festival, Mexico's largest documentary film festival and a project that stands alone as a unique screening space, is one of Ambulante's most iconic ventures. The Festival has traveled thousands of miles across México for over sixteen years with one goal in mind: to create an exciting and meaningful contact between documentary film and its audience.
Location: Nationwide
Date: February - May