Animals and Society Specialization

"Animals and Society Specialization" from Coursera is the next name on the list that Toplist would like to introduce to you. Individuals working in animal welfare, such as animal shelters, veterinary medicine, trainers, rehabilitators, and animal control officers, will benefit from this specialization. This specialization is also beneficial to students who want to learn more about how people and society treat and regard animals, ranging from household pets to livestock, captive animals, and wild animals.
People all know that animals are so important to human existence in so many ways that it is difficult to imagine a society without them. They play a significant role in the language, food, family structure, economy, education, entertainment, recreation, science, and other aspects of daily life. Despite the fact that this is a sociology course, the human-animal study is an interdisciplinary field. Although many of the suggested readings are from fields other than sociology, their sociological relevance is emphasized throughout each course.
This course offers:
- Shareable Certificate
- 100% online courses
- Flexible Schedule
- Beginner Level
- Subtitles: English, French, Portuguese (European), German, Russian, Spanish, Romanian
Course by: Coursera
Coursera Ratings: 4.8/5.0
Estimated time: 3 months
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