Attack No. 1
"Attack No. 1" is a classic sports anime that follows the journey of Kozue Ayuhara, a talented high school volleyball player. The story revolves around her passion for the sport and her determination to become the best. Initially facing resistance from her teammates and rivals, Kozue overcomes various challenges with her unwavering spirit and exceptional skills. As the series progresses, viewers witness Kozue's growth as an athlete, leader, and individual.
The anime explores themes of friendship, rivalry, and self-discovery, highlighting the intense competition within the world of high school volleyball. Kozue's dedication to her team and the sport inspires those around her, fostering a sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship. The series also delves into the personal struggles and sacrifices that athletes face in pursuit of their dreams.
"Attack No. 1" is renowned for its impactful storytelling, compelling characters, and realistic portrayal of the sports genre. Released in the 1960s, it played a significant role in popularizing sports anime and remains a classic in the genre, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations of anime enthusiasts.
- Genres: Animation, Drama, Sport
- Production company: TMS Entertainment
- Release date: 7 December 1969
- Runtime: 24 minutes
- Numbe of seasons: 2
- Number of episodes: 154
- Watch here: