Attack you
"Attack You" is an anime series that follows the volleyball career of You Hazuki, a thirteen-year-old girl who dreams of playing for the national team. She moves to Tokyo with her father, a cameraman, and her adoptive brother, Sunny, who is very protective of her. She joins the Hikawa Junior High School volleyball club, where she meets her rival and love interest, Sho Takiki, the captain of the boys' team. She also befriends Nami Hayase, a talented setter, and Eri Takigawa, a cheerful libero. Together, they face various challenges and opponents, such as the powerful Saint Mary's School and the mysterious Kanako Tajima, a former volleyball star who is You's idol and her father's ex-girlfriend.
The anime has 58 episodes and is based on a manga by Jun Makimura and Shizuo Koizumi. It is a romance, sports, and comedy series that was popular in several European countries, such as Italy, France, and Spain.
- Genres: Animation, Action, Family, Romance, Sport
- Production company: Knack Animation
- Release date: 13 April 1984
- Number of seasons: 1
- Number of episodes: 58
- Runtime24 minutes
- Watch here: