Harukana Receive
"Harukana Receive" is a sports anime that revolves around beach volleyball. The story follows Haruka Ozora, a tall and athletic high school girl who moves to Okinawa. There, she reunites with her cousin Kanata Higa, who used to be her beach volleyball partner when they were children. Despite Kanata's initial reluctance due to a past trauma, the two cousins decide to form a beach volleyball team.
The series explores their journey in the competitive world of beach volleyball as they join their high school's beach volleyball club and participate in various tournaments. Along the way, they encounter skilled opponents, form new friendships, and confront personal challenges. The anime beautifully captures the dynamics of teamwork, friendship, and personal growth as the characters strive to overcome obstacles both on and off the sand.
"Harukana Receive" combines sports action with character-driven storytelling, emphasizing themes of perseverance, self-discovery, and the importance of bonds. The animation features dynamic beach volleyball matches, providing a visually engaging experience for fans of both sports and slice-of-life genres.
- Genres: Animation, Dramam, Sport
- Production company: C2C
- Release date: 6 July 2018
- Number of seasons: 1
- Number of episodes: 12
- Watch here: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G65PV3GK6/harukana-receive