The series is known for its unique and artistic approach to storytelling, as well as its complex characters. This anime tell about the story of Koyomi Araragi, a high school student who has had a series of encounters with supernatural beings known as "oddities" or "aberrations." After a chance meeting with a girl named Hitagi Senjougahara, he becomes entangled in a world of oddities and attempts to help various characters affected by supernatural afflictions.
The series is divided into several story arcs, each centered around a different character and their unique supernatural problem. These arcs explore themes of identity, self-discovery, and emotional healing as Araragi and his friends confront various oddities.
Some of the prominent characters in this anime:
- Koyomi Araragi: The main protagonist, Araragi, is a high school student who has been transformed into a vampire but later becomes a human again. He is kind-hearted and often gets involved in helping others with their oddity-related problems.
- Hitagi Senjougahara: Hitagi is a sharp-tongued and aloof girl who initially appears cold and distant. She has a mysterious weightlessness affliction and becomes Araragi's first supernatural encounter.
- Tsubasa Hanekawa: A classmate and friend of Araragi, Hanekawa is intelligent and kind. She has her own struggles with oddities.
- Mayoi Hachikuji: Mayoi is a lost spirit who takes the form of a young girl. Araragi tries to help her find her way home.
- Suruga Kanbaru: Suruga is an athletic and openly lesbian classmate who becomes involved in oddity incidents.
Directed by: Akiyuki Shinbo
Air dates: July 3, 2009
IMDb rating: 8.0