Detective Conan
"Detective Conan", also known as "Case Closed" in some regions, is a long-running Japanese anime and manga series created by Gosho Aoyama. The series first debuted in manga form in 1994 and the anime adaptation began airing in 1996. The series features a wide range of vocabulary related to detective work, crime-solving, and everyday situations, making it an excellent resource for expanding your Japanese vocabulary.
"Detective Conan" portrays realistic, everyday conversations among its characters. This is valuable for learners who want to understand how Japanese is spoken in various contexts. Furthermore, the anime offers insights into Japanese culture, traditions, and daily life, helping learners gain a better understanding of the country and its people.
The series features intricate mysteries and complex storylines, which can help learners improve their listening comprehension and critical thinking skills. In addition, "Detective Conan" includes a wide range of characters, each with their unique personalities and speech patterns. This diversity exposes learners to different ways of speaking in Japanese.
Directed by: Kenji Kodama
Air dates: January 8, 1996
IMDb rating: 8.5