Dragon Ball
"Dragon Ball" is a highly influential and popular anime series created by Akira Toriyama. It originally began as a manga in 1984 and was later adapted into several anime series, starting with "Dragon Ball" in 1986. The anime franchise is known for its action-packed battles, memorable characters, and epic adventures.
The "Dragon Ball" series follows the adventures of Son Goku, a young martial artist with a monkey tail and incredible strength. Goku embarks on a journey to search for the Dragon Balls, seven mystical orbs that, when gathered, can summon the dragon Shenron, who grants one wish. Along the way, Goku makes friends and encounters powerful foes, leading to epic battles and the discovery of his own Saiyan heritage.
Key Series within "Dragon Ball":
- Dragon Ball: The original series follows Goku's childhood adventures and his quest for the Dragon Balls. It introduces key characters like Bulma, Master Roshi, and Krillin.
- Dragon Ball Z: This series continues Goku's story as an adult and introduces the concept of Saiyans, extraterrestrial warriors with incredible power. It features iconic battles against foes like Frieza, Cell, and Majin Buu.
- Dragon Ball Super: A continuation of "Dragon Ball Z," "Super" explores even more powerful threats, introduces new characters like Beerus and Whis, and expands the Dragon Ball lore.
Directed by: Daisuke Nishio
Air dates: February 26, 1986
IMDb rating: 8.8