Based on Ryhei Tamura's manga of the same name, Beelzebub is an anime series. It is one of the best comedy anime with OP MC. Pierrot produced the anime version, which aired in Japan from January 2011 to March 2012. It became well-known for its blend of supernatural, comedic, and action themes. The protagonist of the tale is Tatsumi Oga, a high school dropout who one day discovers a baby named Beelzebub who also happens to be the Demon King's son. Tatsumi is tasked with rearing Beelzebub, who possesses great demonic powers, and taking care of him. Together, they are caught up in a number of hilarious and exciting adventures with demons, criminals, and other supernatural beings.
The over-the-top comedy, exaggerated character designs, and furious battles of Beelzebub are well recognized. The comedy-action series shows Tatsumi's development as a kind caregiver while navigating the difficulties that come with Beelzebub's demonic abilities. The anime has a large cast of characters, all of them have distinctive personalities and skills.
There are 60 episodes total in the Beelzebub anime, and each one lasts roughly 24 minutes. Although it might not adapt the complete manga series, it covers a sizable amount of the plot. Positive reviews of the anime have been given to its comic timing, enjoyable action scenes, and the chemistry between the characters. Fans of the action-comedy genre will enjoy it because it offers a lively and enjoyable viewing experience.
Genre: Action, Comedy, Supernatural
Director: Nobuhiro Takamoto
Episodes: 60 episodes
Episode Duration: Approximately 24 minutes per episode
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