The Begijnhof, formerly known as Bégulation, is a beautiful holiday spot in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. A variety of buildings and residences have been combined into one building to create a fascinating appeal.
The Begijnhof incorporates one of the oldest and most important Catholic ecclesiastical buildings outside the Netherlands, which is invisibly hidden behind the principles of the surrounding houses. It was changed to the oldest surviving Catholic house of prayer due to the fact that the women were unmarried spiritual nuns who lived in private homes at the time of their existence.
Despite the fact that the Begijnhof was built in the 14th century, the maximum medieval architectural features were reconstructed in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This is an area suitable for relaxation and experience. Experience what Amsterdam has to offer due to the fact that it is also a tranquil sanctuary amidst the bustling streets of the city, making it a great place to visit.
Location: Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 373, 1012 RM Amsterdam, Netherlands