Beijing Yanjing Beer Group
Beijing Yanjing Beer Group, a China-based beer corporation, began as Yanjing Brewery before combining into a state-classified group of enterprises that is noted for its high-quality beer products. Beijing Yanjing Beer is the fourth most popular beer brand in China and one of the world's largest breweries. They began as Yanjing Brewery before dividing into a variety of smaller enterprises based on their operating provinces.
Under the labels Liquan, Huiguan, Yanjing, and Xuelu, the firm offers its diverse product portfolio, which includes beer, distilled wine, feed, materials, yeast, plastic boxes, and mineral water. Yanjing is primarily focused on the Chinese domestic market, notably in South and North China.
The great bulk of Yanjing's beer is presently sold in North and South China. The firm also manufactures yeast, plastic packaging, and distilled wine in addition to beer.
Huiguan, Yanjing, and Xuelu mineral water brands account for a significant amount of their revenue.
Establishment: 1980
Headquarters: Beijing, China
Gross annual sales: $2.45 billion