Ben X Jim
Ben X Jim unfolds a captivating love story set in the serene town of Sint-Amands, Belgium. At 17, Ben grapples with his sexuality amid the expectations of his conservative family. His sanctuary lies in the realm of comic book drawing, a space where he can escape reality and authentically express himself.
The narrative takes a poignant turn when Ben encounters Jim, a charismatic and outgoing young man who becomes his muse. Jim embodies the freedom, acceptance, and unconventional love that Ben yearns for. Their relationship flourishes within the ink-stained pages of Ben's comics, creating a clandestine world where their feelings intertwine. Jim becomes the catalyst for Ben's embrace of artistic talents and exploration of hidden desires. However, their happiness faces the harsh reality of small-town life and the looming fear of exposure.
Ben X Jim transcends the conventional BL series, evolving into a poignant coming-of-age narrative that delves into the intricacies of self-discovery and first love. It bravely confronts themes of identity, societal pressure, and the courage to be different.
The series employs powerful imagery and metaphors to depict the emotional journeys of its characters. Ben's comic book creations serve as a mirror to his inner struggles and desires, while Jim becomes a symbol of hope and acceptance.
- Release date: October 15, 2020
- Produced by: Regal Entertainment
- Genres: Romance
- Director: Easy Ferrer
- Stars: Jerome Ponce, Teejay Marquez, Kat Galang
- Number of seasons: 2
- Number of episodes: 15
- IMDb rating: 6.6/10
- Watch here: