Love Beneath the Stars
Love Beneath the Stars, a 2021 Filipino drama-romance series, unfolds a tender narrative that follows the love story of two high school boys, Dominic and Luke, in an all-boys Catholic school. Serving as a sequel to "The Boy Foretold by the Stars," the series ventures into the challenges the couple faces in a conservative and traditional environment.
Dominic and Luke's love, depicted beautifully, becomes a testament to the resilience of love against societal constraints. In the face of pressure from friends, parents, and the school, the couple strives to preserve their love, illustrating the significance of acceptance, understanding, and support in relationships. The series serves as a poignant exploration of the struggles endured by the LGBTQ+ community in a society grappling with acceptance and inclusivity.
Love Beneath the Stars emerges as a heartwarming and emotional journey, leaving viewers inspired and hopeful. It stands as a must-watch for those who believe in the transformative power of love and recognize the importance of fostering acceptance and inclusivity within our society.
- Release date: August 16, 2021
- Produced by: Dreamscape Entertainment, Clever Minds, The Dolly Collection
- Genres: Drama, Romance
- Director: Dolly Dulu
- Stars: Adrian Lindayag, Keann Johnson, Vaughn Piczon
- Number of seasons: 1
- Number of episodes: 6
- IMDb rating: 7.7/10
- Watch here: