My Extraordinary
My Extraordinary is a 2020 Filipino BL miniseries that follows the story of two college students, Shake and Ken, as they navigate their relationship in a society that is still grappling with acceptance and inclusivity. The show explores the challenges that the couple faces as they try to express themselves despite society’s many expectations.
The series is a beautiful portrayal of how love can conquer all obstacles. It highlights the importance of acceptance, understanding, and support in a relationship. The chemistry between the lead actors is palpable, and their performances are heartfelt and emotional. The show’s cinematography is stunning, and the music is soulful and evocative.
However, the series has been criticized for its supernatural elements and the way it handles the death of one of the main characters. Despite these criticisms, My Extraordinary is a heartwarming and inspiring series that will leave you feeling hopeful and optimistic. It is a must-watch for anyone who believes in the power of love and the importance of acceptance and inclusivity in our society.
- Release date: August 30, 2020
- Produced by: AsterisK Entertainment
- Genres: Romance
- Director: Jolo Atienza
- Stars: Enzo Santiago, Darwin Yu, Karissa Toliongco
- Number of seasons: 1
- Number of episodes: 8
- IMDb rating: 7.1/10
- Watch here: