Bone is a beloved comic book series created by Jeff Smith. It follows the adventures of three cousins, Fone Bone, Phoney Bone, and Smiley Bone, who are small, bald, and white creatures. The story begins with them being run out of their hometown and subsequently getting lost in a vast, mysterious valley filled with strange and wonderful creatures.
The series is renowned for its charming storytelling, lovable characters, and a delightful blend of humor, adventure, and fantasy. As the Bones navigate this enchanting world, they encounter dragons, rat creatures, and other magical beings, while also forming friendships with the valley's inhabitants.
Because of these interesting plots, it attracts thousands of readers every release. The series masterfully weaves together themes of friendship, heroism, and the triumph of good over evil appealing to audiences young and old. Smith's unique artistic style and the series’ captivating plot have made Bone a cherished classic among readers of all ages.
First published: 1991
Number of releases: 55 issues