Locke & Key is a compelling comic book series created by writer Joe Hill and artist Gabriel Rodríguez. The story revolves around the Locke family, who, after a horrific tragedy, move into their ancestral home, Keyhouse. The family soon discovers that the house is filled with magical keys, each with unique powers.
The series is celebrated for its rich storytelling, exploring themes of loss, grief, and the strength of family bonds amidst supernatural occurrences. As the Locke siblings uncover the mysteries behind the keys, they confront both external and internal threats, making the story very exciting and full of tension.
Locke & Key has gained critical acclaim for its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and striking artwork. The series combines elements of horror, fantasy, and drama to create an interesting and emotionally touching story. It not only explores familial relationships, and personal growth but also the the extraordinary power that has captivated readers. This dark fantasy will have you hooked as the siblings start to unlock the mysterious doors throughout the house and find what awaits.
First published: 2008
Number of releases: 37 issues