The Sandman
The Sandman is a captivating comic book series that tells the story of Dream (also known as Morpheus), one of the Endless, a group of powerful beings who personify various aspects of existence like Destiny, Death, and Desire. The series follows Dream's journey after being captured and held captive for decades, and his quest to rebuild his realm and regain his powers after escaping. Dream's adventures take him through various realms and time periods, where he encounters gods, mythical creatures, and mortals with intertwining stories.
The series was created by acclaimed writer Neil Gaiman - one of the most familiar names in creating kids' comics uniquely. This title is celebrated for its rich storytelling, complex characters, and thought-provoking exploration of themes such as the nature of dreams, destiny, and the human experience. The Sandman has a combination of fantasy, mythology, and horror, offering a unique and immersive reading experience.
Originally published by DC Comics' Vertigo imprint, The Sandman still has widespread critical acclaim, earning numerous awards and accolades. It has left a lasting impact on the comic book industry and has a dedicated fanbase. If you enjoy dark fantasy and thought-provoking narratives, The Sandman is a must-read.
First published: 1996
Number of releases: 75