Bungou Stray Dogs
Bungou Stray Dogs is a mafia anime adaptation of the manga of the same name released in 2012. In 2016, the first season of anime made by studio Bones aired on television and quickly received strong reception from audiences around the world. The anime then released part 2 in the fall of 2016, and part 3 in 2019. Up to now, the anime has a total of 5 seasons.
Bungou Stray Dogs, set in Yokohama, is quite familiar in Japanese detective anime because simply, this is a Detroit (the largest crime city in America), a Rio de Janeiro (a city specializing in robberies). in Brazil) of Japan. Behind the glory of a thriving city, lies a dark side of a society. A place full of human trafficking, arms dealing, collecting protection money from businesses and the most vicious of them is the Port Mafia.
The main character is Atsushi Nakajima, abruptly kicked out of the orphanage and left hungry, homeless, and wandering through the city. While standing on a river bank, he saved the life of a suicidal maniac, Dazai Osamu. He and his partner, Kunikida, are members of a special detective organization that has been investigating a strange tiger. It seems like there is some connection with Atsushi, and once everything is resolved, Atsushi is coerced into joining that supernatural investigation organization and takes on unusual cases the police cannot handle, alongside his numerous enigmatic co-workers.
Overall, Bungou Stray Dogs is an attractive detective anime with full of strong characters. Though the plot is a bit predictable, this film still captivates the viewer and is judged to be one of the best mafia anime of all time.
Aired: Spring 2016
Produced by: Bones
Episodes: 12
Duration: 23 min/ep
MAL Rated: 7.82