Released in 2015, Gangsta, also called “Gyangusuta” in Japanese, is a mafia anime about gangs, particularly the rivalries between four main families: The Corsica, Monroe, Cristiano, and Paulklee. They hold significant power over Ergastulum, the fictional city where the anime occurs. Gangsta has received many welcomes from those who like action, mystery and bloodshed of all time.
Nicolas Brown and Worrick Arcangelo are both referred to as the Handymen or mercenaries for hire who handle jobs no one else can take on. They collaborated with powerful criminal organizations as well as the police. They met and started working together when Worrick’s father hired Twilights as his bodyguard.
Due to a unique drug, Twilights, known as super-humans, were born with a marvelous fighting ability and were hunted down by a fierce underground organization. They havened and heightened their senses in Ergastalum, a city built to house Twilights.
Although they took longer to explain the plot, the first episodes of Gangsta would hook you in and make you want to finish it in one sitting. Let’s try the anime judged one of the best mafia those and enjoy the coming war.
Aired: Summer 2015
Produced by: Manglobe
Episodes: 12
Duration: 23 min/ep
MAL Rated: 7.41