Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom
The Japanese anime series Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom, which went on air in the spring of 2009, is animated by Bee Train and directed by Koichi Mashimo. Based on the video game Phantom of Inferno, the anime is successful in all aspects including story, characters, animation and sound. And then a manga adaptation of this anime was released in May of 2009 by Media Factory and Nitroplus.
The anime takes place in America and focuses on the underground mafia scene, particularly a West Coast organization known as Inferno. This is a mysterious mafia organization seeking to expand its influence by utilizing the top assassin, known as Phantom, in their company to take out anyone who may get in their way.
At the beginning of the series, Reiji, a young Japanese tourist visiting Los Angeles, witnesses Phantom's murder accidentally. To prevent his revelation, Phantom, a young woman called Ein (the number “one” in German) and the leader of the Inferno, Scythe Master, kidnapped and brainwashed Reiji. Then he is given a new name “Zwei” (the number “two” in German) and trained to become a second Phantom. As a tool of this mafia organization, he must fight to survive, try to regain his memories and leave this world.
An incredibly action-packed series with loads of gun-slinging and the meanings hidden in the story, Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom is really worth giving a watch. Especially, this show is recognized to be one of the best mafia anime of all time.
Aired: Spring 2009
Produced by: Bee Train
Episodes: 26
Duration: 24 min/ep
MAL Rated: 7.94