By the Grace of the Gods
"By the Grace of the Gods" is a heartwarming and wholesome isekai anime series that offers a serene and comforting escape to viewers. Adapted from the light novel series written by Roy and illustrated by Ririnra, this anime stands out for its gentle storytelling and emphasis on community and kindness.
The story follows Ryoma Takebayashi, a middle-aged salaryman who, after a sudden and unremarkable death, is reborn in a fantasy world. Unlike many isekai protagonists who face intense challenges and adventures, Ryoma's life in this new world takes a slower and more peaceful pace. He discovers that he is blessed by the gods and is given the ability to tame and communicate with slimes. With this newfound power, he builds a life for himself in the wilderness, fostering a close bond with the slimes and other creatures.
The charm of "By the Grace of the Gods" lies in its simplicity and focus on everyday life in a fantasy world. The anime celebrates the small joys of life, from farming and cooking to forging new friendships. Ryoma's interactions with various characters, including adventurers and fellow townsfolk, highlight the importance of kindness and compassion.
While there are elements of magic and adventure, the series primarily explores themes of healing, personal growth, and the power of community. Ryoma's peaceful existence stands as a contrast to the more action-packed and dramatic isekai series, making it a soothing and heartwarming experience for viewers.
Release Date: October 4, 2020
Studio: Maho Film
Number of Episodes: 12
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