Wise Man's Grandchild
"Wise Man's Grandchild," also known as "Kenja no Mago," is a popular isekai anime series based on a light novel written by Tsuyoshi Yoshioka. This anime stands out for its unique take on the isekai genre and its blend of magic, adventure, and comedy.
The story follows Shin Wolford, a young Japanese salaryman who dies in a traffic accident and is reborn in a fantasy world as a baby. He is adopted by a wise and powerful mage named Merlin and raised in isolation from society. Under Merlin's guidance, Shin quickly becomes a prodigious magician and swordsman, unaware of the world's dangers and social norms. However, his exceptional abilities attract the attention of others, leading to his eventual enrollment in a magic academy.
"Wise Man's Grandchild" is known for its lighthearted and humorous tone, often poking fun at common isekai tropes. Shin's ignorance of the world and his straightforward approach to solving problems lead to comedic situations and interactions with his peers. Despite its comedic elements, the anime also features intense magical battles and action sequences that showcase Shin's incredible power.
The characters in the series are endearing, and viewers get to witness Shin's journey as he learns about friendship, teamwork, and the responsibilities that come with his newfound abilities. The relationships he forms with his classmates and his mentor, Merlin, are central to the story's development.
Release Date: Apr 10, 2019
Studio: Silver Link
Number of Episodes: 12
Watch here: https://9animetv.to/watch/wise-mans-grandchild-5498