Casbah Istanbul

It is without a doubt one of Algiers' greatest Turkish restaurants. The menu is diverse and traditional, and the service is provided with little onions. Overall, it's a delight. The only disadvantage is that you will have to queue at the entry, which is the flip side of the coin. But the wait is well worth it!

Casbah Istanbul also has a restaurant at the Ardis shopping complex if you become a fan. The brand has also recently launched a trendy Turkish restaurant in the new Ben Aknoun shopping center, which opened at the end of 2019; while the décor and cosy atmosphere, as well as the spacious patio, are appealing, the cuisine on offer is largely the same.

Rate: 3.9/5.0, 358 reviews (Source: Google)

Address: Bab Ezzouar, Algeria


Top 5 Best Restaurants In Algeria

  1. top 1 Le Caïd
  2. top 2 Havana
  3. top 3 Le Maison Du Couscous
  4. top 4 Casbah Istanbul
  5. top 5 Tantonville

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